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Annabeth never showed up to lunch, but my worry was relieved once seventh period rolled around. I shared that class (Greek mythology) with almost all of my school friends, including both Annabeth and Calypso.

I didn't get a chance to talk with her during that class, but in our last period, gym, I made sure I got to talk with her.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"Nothing," she quietly said.

She went to push a piece of hair from her face, but I did it for her. Annabeth blushed.

"Where were you during lunch?"

"I - um, I had to talk with someone. A teacher."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "About what?"

She scowled and stepped back. "It's none of your business, Percy."

I sighed. "You aren't in any trouble, right? I'm just checking in."

Annabeth's face softened, returning to its angelic-like state. I winced, wondering what she would probably do to me if I shared those thoughts.

"I'm fine, Seaweed Brain. Nothing for you to worry about."

I hesitated, before quickly leaning in and hugging her. I released her just as fast.

After gym I went straight to the locker room to change from my sweaty gym attire to my swim suit. By the time I rushed to the pool room, Annabeth was no where in sight, which was really weird. she was always waiting on the bleachers for me.

I sped through practice, not really focusing on anything. I skipped my private swim practice - which is when I usually stay after for about thirty minutes to work on my personal techniques.

I called her phone several times, and Annabeth didn't even answer once.

I hoisted my swim bag on my shoulder and groaned. I brushed my left hand through my hair, and started searching the halls.

First I checked the room where architecture club was held, unsure if she had a meeting or not. I knew she never had one on Mondays, but maybe she had a random one off that day.

She didn't.

I checked each of her favorite teacher's classrooms, still unsuccessful. I even made the secretary call for her on the intercom, which was very embarrassing.

"She must've gone home, kid. Sorry," the secretary told me.

I smiled. "Yeah, okay. Sorry for the trouble."

She grinned at me. "No worries. You really like this girl, I can tell."

I blushed. "She's my best friend. I don't know if she's mad at me or if she's busy, but she's been distant."

The nice lady - Miss Olsen, her name tag read - brushed her hand against my arm. "Give her a bit of space, but make sure she's safe. Now get out of here, man! School is over!"

I laughed, appreciative of this underrated woman who was easing my nerves.

"Bye, Miss Olsen," I called, rushing away.


Something about a plate of fresh, blue chocolate chip cookies just washed away all of my worries. Unless they were made by Rachel and myself, because those things were traumatizing.

I had burst through the door quite angrily. I could tell that I startled my mother, and I half heartedly apologized. She - being Sally Jackson-Blofis, an absolute gem - made me sit on the couch, told me to relax and rushed around the house for a few minutes, taking care of my stuff and rummaging through the kitchen.

Limitless Love {Percabeth Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now