{!!!} BONUS CHAPTER II {!!!}

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To theishfudge87 's request, I will be doing chapter 14 in Sally Jackson-Blofis' perspective to celebrate 1000 reads!


"One time, he even burst into tears because Annabeth stepped on an ant. He was blubbering about how the little guy had a family, and a home, and a job. I tried very hard not to laugh, but it was difficult," I confessed to my son's new friend, Calypso.

She laughed, directing her attention to Percy. "So, you've always been the sensitive one out of you two, huh, Perce?"

Percy blushed, something he typically did when embarrassed. I lightly laughed, hoping I hadn't gone too far. I loved my son and treated him well, but I believed that everyone needed to be joked with every once in a while.

"Yeah, yeah," Percy grumbled.

Calyspo giggled and took another small bite of one of my cookies that everyone adored so much.

"Tell her about the time you got lost with Annabeth, Perce," I told him.

He rolled his eyes, a trait he picked up from my niece, before going into a very vague summary of my request.

I scoffed once he finished. "You missed the best part, Percy!" I turned to Calypso, ready to finish the story properly. "While they were climbing into the boat, Percy helped Annabeth get seated and forced her to sit in front so that he could keep an eye on her. Then he adjusted her life jacket for her. While the little couple was on the island, he kept on comforting Annabeth. Well, that's what she told me. He was a total sweetheart."

Percy was so red even his ears were burning. "Mom! Are you trying to embarrass me?"

I smirked teasingly at him. "It's only embarrassing is it's true," I pointed out.

If we're being completely honest, the main reason I shared that story, focusing on those details, was to see Calypso's reaction. I mainly wanted to tell if she was romantically interested in my son, and if she got jealous. Teasing my son was just an added bonus.

Calypso just laughed and grabbed another cookie. I wondered if she was trying to avoid the topic or if she genuinely didn't mind.

"Wow, these are delicious, Sally. You must have high standards, Percy."

Adding together the longing gaze Calypso gave Percy with my outsider's perspective, I figured that the girl was most definitely pining after my son.

Percy laughed, making me question if he was just oblivious or I was reading too deeply into things.

"Anyway, I need to get going."

Calypso stood, as did Percy.

"Alright. I can walk you," he offered, making my chest bubble with pride. He was such a giving boy, and I was very grateful.

"N-no. I'm fine. See you Monday, Percy. Nice meeting you, Mrs. Jackson."

Calypso rushed out of our apartment, causing Percy to furrow his eyebrows with confusion.

"That was strange," he stated.

"No kidding." I hesitated, wondering how many of my theories to reveal. "You said you met her Monday? She seems to like you a lot."

Percy shrugged. "I'm the first person she met here. Maybe it's a phycological thing?" he pondered out loud.

That surprised me. I guess I never fully understood how oblivious my son was. To be honest, we never had talks like this about girls. Taking that into consideration, I took advantage of the conversation taking place then.

Limitless Love {Percabeth Fanfiction}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang