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Tuesday, 7-10-18

I wasn't in the best mood when I woke up on the tenth of July. I was conflicted, I guess. I was leaving to finish out the summer at Camp Half-Blood, and Annabeth was spending over a month in Greece. We were parting ways for a long time, and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I mean, obviously I would prefer to spend all day, every day with my best friend, but I also needed some time away from her to sort out my feelings.

Yeah. Feelings. I liked my best friend and it was messing with my mind. Things that had always been done in our four year relationship, like hugging or sleeping together, suddenly brought heat to my cheeks and sent shock waves through my nerves. Having a crush was a new experience to me, and I needed to figure it out without being near said crush.

I actually despised the term "crush". Annabeth was so much more to me than a petty little middle school obsession. I really liked her, and I wanted her to be my end game. My one and only soulmate. But I didn't dwell on those thoughts though, because that was much too far in the other direction. I was stuck between two extremities: temporary attraction and permanent partner. Was she my temporary partner? Or my permanent attraction? I don't think those terms worked to well either.

I tossed my duffle bag in the trunk of Paul's blue Toyota Prius, before hopping in the passenger seat beside my mom. She was driving me to Long Island in Montauk, where Mr. B had rented out an old strawberry harvesting field that was out of commission. 

Montauk was also where my family's favorite beach was. The one that my parents had met at, the one I had told Annabeth about Smelly Gabe at, and - more recently - the one we had spent the day at and Annabeth had broken the news about going to Greece.

Before we took off for Montauk, we were taking a quick pitstop at the Chases' house to say good bye. As we drove down the familiar roads, I thought about everything that had occurred in the small neighborhood. It was nice to remember the good times.

Unlike usual, the trip to Annabeth's was slow. When we finally arrived, I climbed out of the car and trudged to the door. I didn't want to say good bye, because that meant that they were really leaving.

I stood behind Mom as she knocked on the wooden door. Helen immediately opened it up.

"Oh, hello there, Sally! And Percy, of course."

I waved over my mom's shoulder. Mom grinned and said, "We just wanted to say a final farewell before you guys took off, if that's alright."

Helen nodded. "Come on in, and don't mind the mess."

I smiled at the sight of several suitcases and other bags scattered around the entrance. It reminded me of the first time that I came over to Annabeth's house with Thalia four years ago.

"Annabeth is in the twins' room, if you'd like to go see her."

"Thanks," I said, heading up to the boys' bedroom.

When I opened the door, I burst into laughter. Annabeth was sprawled across the nine year old boys' carpet, where the two of them were pouncing across her stomach. Her long, golden pony tail was flung behind her and was displayed nicely against the navy blue carpet.

When she noticed me, she scowled. "Why are you laughing, Seaweed Brain?"

"Those little kids overpowered you?" I spluttered.

"Hey, we aren't little," one of them, I think Matthew, spat out. 

"Yeah," the other, most likely Bobby, agreed. "We're two inches taller than we're meant to be at our age."

Then the twins stuck their tongues out in unison, making me laugh more.

"Help me out, huh Perce?" Annabeth asked.

I stroked my chin and pretended to think. "Um...I don't think so." Then I knelt beside her, slid the twins off of her body, and gently tapped my fingertips against her ribcage.

She inhaled sharply. "Percy," she warned.

I smirked, before full on tickling her. Annabeth laughed like crazy, trying to twist away from my grasp. She pushed my hands back from her ribs, but I just latched onto both of her wrists with my left hand and held her arms above her head. I flung my right leg over her and lightly rested some of my weight on her lap. I then merrily continued tickling my best friend.

I opened my mouth, ready to comment some snarky remark about how her little brothers seemed to enjoy her being tortured, when the door flung open.

"Annabeth, your dad wants you to double check your...bags....Why on earth are you on top of my little sister?"

I blushed, immediately rolling off of Annabeth. "This isn't what it looks like, I swear."

Malcolm frowned. "Uh huh. Yeah, okay. Keep to yourself, Jackson." He redirected his attention to his sister. "We've got to get going soon. Say your good byes, your dad wants to be on the road within the next ten minutes."

She nodded. "Alright. I'll be out in a few. Matthew, Bobby, go to your mom. She'll take care of you."

The boys grabbed a few things off of the bed and left the room after a quick high five to me. Malcolm followed after them.

"He's going with you?" I asked.

Annabeth nodded. "Yeah. His father is still 'busy,' or whatever. He's going home soon, though. Right when we get back, I think."

I nodded. "Well, I guess this is good bye."

"No, I think that sounds too...permanent. I'm all about making something permanent, but not this. How about...see you soon?"

I smiled, tugging Annabeth into a hug. "See you soon, Wise Girl."

I inhaled her fresh lemon scent one last time before releasing her. The two of us wandered back to the kitchen, where my mom was hugging Helen and the boys.

"Well, have fun, guys!" she said. "See you all soon."

I nodded, waving to the family. "See you later, alligators!"

Annabeth smiled. "In a while, crocodile."

I followed my mom out of the door and got back in the passenger seat of the Prius. As Mom pulled out, I glanced back one more time. Annabeth was climbing in the back of the SUV, but she turned her head and got my gaze. Her smile faltered, and her eyes filled with desperation. She mouthed something, but I couldn't quite catch it.

And then she was out of my sight.


This chapter was kind of short but I loved it a lot! I really hope you did too! It was super cute and eek! The next chapter will probably be longer, since it's Percy's intro to CHB!

If you enjoyed, why not leave a vote? See you soon with another chapter!

P.s. Sorry for all of the rambling at the start! It's something that I would do, and I think Percy and I have quite a few similarities in the mental aspect, as well as our love for the sea haha! Also, four and a half more hours till the new year (for me at least)!

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