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Saturday, 8-18-18

I woke up feeling very tired, which kind of defeated the purpose of even sleeping. I had gotten about four hours of sleep, maximum. I groaned as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I gazed out the window and into the sea. The sea muted all of my emotions and just calmed my mind. I sucked in a deep breath and stood up.

"Morning, Tyson," I said quietly, gently nudging him awake.

"Good morning," he replied sleepily. "What day is it?"

"It's Saturday," I answered.

His brown eyes widened. "The last day?"

I nodded. "Yeah. We've got to start packing up."

He sat up and turned so that his feet were planted firmly on the wooden floor. "You said that something else was happening today," Tyson stated. "What is going on?"

"It's my birthday," I mentioned.

"Your birthday? How old are you?"

I smiled. "Sixteen."

"Wow," he said. "I have a present for you."


He nodded happily. "I knew your birthday was in the summer, but I didn't know when."

"Right," I said understandingly.

Tyson stood and rummaged through his belongings. He pulled out some clothes and tools before letting out a satisfied grunt. "Here it is!" he exclaimed.

Tyson pulled out a small box, four by four inches, and turned to face me. He handed me the box and I gingerly took it. 

I popped off the lid. Inside was a stunning bronze watch. Each hour was written in Roman numerals, something we had learned during camp. The face of the watch was a dark forest green. The strap was brown leather. I loved it.

"Oh, wow. Ty, you shouldn't have."

He frowned. "Why not? You don't like it?"

I chuckled. "No, I love it. It's just...where did you get this?"

"I made it," he answered proudly.

"Really?" Tyson nodded. "That's amazing. Thank you so much."

He smiled. "You're welcome."

I gave him a short hug and smiled at him. He helped me put the watch on, and it was practically a perfect fit. Then we began to pack, getting ready to leave the place that brought us so much joy.


"May I please have your attention!" Chiron said loudly, immediately silencing all of the campers. "Thank you. I have several announcements to make today. Firstly, I would like to thank each of our staff that assisted in running this summer camp, as well as our older campers that have volunteered to help out as well. Can we get a quick round of applause?"

Everybody politely clapped to show our thanks, and then Chiron continued his speech.

"I'd also like to thank each camper here. You have all done your best to behave and that has helped so much in being able to have this camp. Speaking of, this camp will be occurring again next summer, same time, same place."

I heard a familiar red head's distinguished voice cheer, "Woo!" and a few campers followed suit.

"I'm glad you've seemed to enjoy yourselves," Chiron cut in, "and I hope to see everybody back again next summer. You are all free to go as soon as lunch is finished, but if you are under the age of fifteen you must wait for a parent or guardian to sign you out. It was a pleasure working with you all, heroes."

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