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Saturday, 7-7-18

"What do people even wear in Greece?" I asked.

Annabeth laughed. "Clothes, Seaweed Brain. Like, shirts, shorts, pants...ever heard of them?"

I nudged her. "I know that. I meant, is it hot there, or cold, or...?"

She smiled. "It's like the same weather as we have here. Hot summers, warm springs, cold winters."

"What about fall?"

"It's a mystery."

I laughed. "Alright, so you need to pack summer clothes. How much?"

"Well, we will be there a month, so I probably need about ten pairs of everything, since we can wash stuff."

I nodded. "Right."

Annabeth began sorting through her clean laundry, making piles. She asked me about a couple of clothing items, and I gave her my opinions.

"What about this?" she asked, holding up a spaghetti strap tank top that was reddish orange.

I shook my head. "Too flashy."

She rolled her eyes, holding up a similar grey top with a halter neckline and lace embroidering the hem. "Better?"

I nodded. "Yep, with some jean shorts and a belt."

Annabeth laughed. "Give it up for Percy Jackson, outfit designing, stylist extraordinaire."

I grinned. "You know it, baby."

She dug through her clothes, grabbing a few more shorts and tops. "That should be enough. I'll probably need a swimsuit though, huh?"

I shrugged. "Couldn't hurt."

Annabeth rifled through her drawer and pulled out a mint green triangle bikini, and a navy halter top bikini with white polka dots, as well as black bottoms.

"I think that's enough clothes," she told me. "Hopefully, anyway. Want to grab something to eat?"

"I'm always up for food," I responded, smiling.

"Okay, Helen made chicken salad yesterday, and we have plenty of leftovers."

"Sounds good," I said, getting up from the floor and following Annabeth to the kitchen. There, she grabbed us a plate each, took out a loaf of bread, and grabbed a container full of chicken salad.

"Have at it," she said, laughing.

I scooped some onto my bread and then sat at the breakfast bar, munching on my sandwich. Annabeth sat beside me.

"I can't believe that you're already leaving for Greece."

"Yeah, in a couple days. This summer has flown by, it's crazy."

I nodded, solemnly biting into my sandwich. "Remember when we went to the zoo, and all of the birds were squawking like crazy at that guy, and then they finally slammed against the glass and scared the life out of him?"

Annabeth smiled "Good times."

"You know, you have to repay this favor. I need to start packing for camp. I'm leaving the same day as you."

"You're such a procrastinator," she sighed. "I can come over tomorrow while Dad and Helen are packing the twins up."

"Alright, great." I paused to take a bite. "Helen's a great cook," I stated.

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