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"So you're trying to tell me that you two walked home, talked for almost an hour, fell asleep in the same bed, and didn't even kiss?" Rachel exclaimed, smacking her hands on the lunch table.

I chuckled, rubbing the nape of my neck. "Believe what you want, Rache, but that's what happened."

I looked at Annabeth, on my right. She was happily eating her hastily prepared sandwich and had a slight tinge of red against her cheeks. I smiled softly when she looked back at me.

Rachel screeched. "Look at that chemistry! Do you see what I'm seeing, Caly?"

Calypso brushed her hair behind her ear and shrugged. "They would be pretty cute together, I admit."

I sighed dramatically. "She's joined the dark side, Annabeth."

Both Annabeth and Calypso laughed.

"I didn't get to say anything last night, Perce, but congratulations on winning all of those events, and getting the team captain position," Caly said.

I smiled. "Thanks. I'm still in shock."

"So, Spring Fling is in eight days, and guess who still doesn't have a date?" Grover groaned.

"G-Man, you said that you were asking Juniper," I said.

"I know, I know. I guess I chickened out."

"I'll help you out. Don't worry, I'm a pro at this point." I subtly winked at Annabeth, who laughed under her breath.

"Really? Great, I can help you too!" Grover offered.

"Actually, I'm all set in that department. Annabeth and I are going together."

Rachel threw her hands in the air. "I knew it! I totally called that, didn't I?"

I chuckled.

I noticed Calypso had gotten pretty quiet. I looked over at her and smiled.

"Has anyone asked you yet?"

She shook her head. "I don't really know anyone except for you four."

"Don't stress over it. We're all going to be hanging out together anyway."

Calypso smiled. "Yeah, that's true."

I hoped that I hadn't made things too awkward with her. I liked her a lot, and didn't want to lose our friendship.


"Before you all run off to change, I would like to congratulate our new swim captain. Let's hear it for Goode High School's youngest ever captain, Percy Jackson."

An applause erupted in the gym. I smiled sheepishly. I wasn't expecting Coach Hedge to announce my new position like that.

I brushed my hand through my hair nervously and cleared my throat. "Thanks, guys. I hope to lead our swim team to several victories next season, and hopefully senior year as well."

"Get out of here, Cupcakes. See you tomorrow."

Everybody fled the gym, excited to be done with school for the day. I rushed into the locker room to change. Several of the guys congratulated me, and I thanked them humbly.

After changing, I met with Annabeth by the water fountain beside the gym. We decided that we were doing to shop for her dress and my tie to get it over with.

"Ready?" I asked, smiling slightly.

Annabeth sighed. "Ready as I'll ever be."

We left the school and walked to the nearest dress shop, which happened to be in the mall ten minutes from our school.

Limitless Love {Percabeth Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now