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Friday, 7-13-18

"Holy mother of - "

I leaned back, narrowly avoiding being decapitated by Jason's blade. Well, maybe that's a bit dramatic. The swords were plastic, but that still would have hurt.

I swung my own sword back, almost landing a solid hit on his side. He side stepped and countered with an obvious feint to the right, before aiming for my sword arm. I twisted my blade around his and the sword fell from his grip. I held the tip of my sword to his sternum, fencing style.

"Nice job, Percy," said Quintus, Camp Half-Blood's sword instructor. "I can't believe how easily you've picked up such a hard skill after only a few days.

I smiled humbly, dropping my sword arm and stepping away from Jason. "Thank you."

"Where'd you learn that disarming technique?" Jason asked, taking a swig of water.

I grabbed a bottle of my own. "I don't know. It just felt natural, I guess. What's next?"

"Well, we have a bit of free time before dinner, and then capture the flag."

"Oh, right." I forgot that it was Friday. I had been at camp for four days, and it was pretty amazing. I already had met a load of amazing people, such as Tyson and Jason. My bond with some of my school friends was also growing. Travis and I were becoming great friends, and his younger brother Connor wasn't too bad either.

I wiped my face with a towel and put my sword back in the bin with all of the others. "Do you want to head to the beach? It's nice out today."

Jason shrugged. "Sure."

We left the arena and followed the river to the fireworks beach. "So, where are you from, Jason?"

He bit his lip. "California. When I was little we lived near Sonoma Valley, but when I was a little older we moved to San Fransisco."

"Who's we?"

"Me and my stepmom. My real mom died when I was maybe eight, and my stepmother hated my sister. She ran away, but since I was so young I had to stay with June. That's her name, I mean."

"Right. So why'd you come to the east coast?" I asked.

"I was tipped off by my school pen pal that my sister was in Pennsylvania. It's been a while, but she might still be there."

I frowned. "What's her name, Jase?"

"My sister? Thalia."

"Huh. And your last name is..."


My eyes widened. "You're kidding, right?"

Jason furrowed his eyebrows. "No. Why would I?"

"I know your sister. She's my cousin. So are you, apparently. But she told me that you were kidnapped, and your mom is still alive, as far as I know."

He stared at me. "What?"

"Maybe...how old were you when you moved to San Fransisco?"

"Two," he answered nervously. "You don't think that June was just...lying to me, do you?"

I shook my head uncertainly. "I don't know, man. But what I do know is that I'm bringing you to see Thalia as soon as this summer is over."


Dinner was just about to finish up, and everybody was buzzing with excitement. The teams for capture the flag didn't seem very fair to me, but maybe I wasn't thinking correctly.

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