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This is my first Dylan fan fiction i've only wrote one other story so i'm rather new at this. I'm a young amateur writer so please go easy on me.

This story is about co-stars dating each other, her name is Jeanette perz (pronounced gee-net)  who is part of the cast of Teen Wolf. She's falls for Dylan O'brien but will happiness last as obstacles and paparazzi come into play. The story starts from season one.

I was currently back in my hometown in good ole' South Carolina something about coming home for a mini vacation always has its ways of making me feel good, it might have to do with the whole being in your parents home makes you feel like a kid and carefree again. I was currently having a relaxing moment in my parents home when my phone began to ring I sighed picking it up so much for carefree child moment.

"hey Rachel how's my favorite agent" I said into the phone holding it in the crook of my neck 

"you eating ice cream again aren't you" she said 

"'s actually frozen strawberry banana yogurt" I said eating another spoonful out the carton flicking through the channels for something to watch I should just give up and read a good book right not preferably one with no happy ending. 

"I thought we were past the wallow stage" she huffed into the phone

"I am... kind of... come on Rachel we were together for two years can't expect me to get over it in two weeks, like I can get those two years back and up and go like a robot" I said

"honey he left you it's all and sad blah blah" she said

"geez we need to work on your bedside manners"

"maybe when I die but that's not why I called you I called to tell you I got you and audition" she said I immediately perked up she should have started with that instead of reminding me of my sad social life right now.

"what is it?" I yelled

"well it's not what your use to it's for a tv show" she told me confusing me because I don't act 

"acting.... Rachel I don't act i thought this was for modeling" I replied

"honey just give it try, this guy the one who created this show saw your youtube account and thought you might be a good fit so they gave me a call" she said

"youtube? that's just me ranting and raving about the truth and how people annoy me" I said yes some the videos I did were funny but some were serious ranting about how random things nothing special the only reason it gets view is because people recognize me as that teen model on billboards and tv sometimes.

"he liked it so now you have an addiction this week so get your butt back to California before I drag across the country" she said hanging up I sighed laying back on the couch looking over at my one beagle sighing as he put his head in my lap.

"what's wrong honey you look worse then your father when football season is over" my mom said coming to sit next to me

"Rachel got me this acting audition but I don't if I should. My job is modeling has been since I was sixteen what if I'm horrible and I become a joke.... what should I do mama" I said putting my head in her lap

"honey bee, you'll be fine. I watch your videos all the time they're great so go there and show them what your made of if they don't like you there lost your only eighteen almost nineteen, you have your life to model take a chance dip your feet in the deep end" my mom said always knew how to make me feel better sometimes I miss these moments we have since I moved two years ago living with my brother in California after I finished high school early. Nothing beats being home with your parents I love them sucks that they're here in South Carolina and I'm in Cali but I do the best seeing them and my little sister.

"you're right I'll give it try" I said hugging my mom not like I could talk myself out of it or my momma will have my but served on a tray for not trying my hardest

Later in the week

Currently sitting on my bed trying to figure out what to wear should I wear pants or skirt or a dress to many decisions but if this guy likes my youtube account I guess I should dress like I do when I do them. I grabbed out my grey leggings, black tank top throwing red over the shoulder sweatshirt over it saying don't feed the animals throwing my black boots on and letting my natural curls fall with a black beanie normally when I go out I'm more girly but since I portraying an image I dressed like I do in the videos since they are all done in the comfort of my room dressed in my lazy outfits anyway. I walked out into the bathroom taking one last look putting on a little mascara I made a face in the mirror.

"you look fine" my brother said walking up behind me giving this smirk through the mirror.

"Jesus I thought you left to go to class almost gave me a heart attack" I said glaring at him

"good then I would only have one sister to deal with" he said

"whatever Adien you know I'm the favorite" I said grabbing my bag and keys

"good luck Jeanie" he yelled

"thanks sugar pie see ya later" I yelled before closing the door

at the audition

I sat there bouncing my knee up and down trying my best now to bite my nails trying not to look at anyone else in the room

"you nervous?" someone said next to me I looked at her she was pretty strawberry blonde hair dressed cute.

"yeah doing my best not to people watch so I don't slip up say something I'll regret" I said

"I get you, people watching is the best way to pass the time though I do it, make back grounds up of people then wonder why they ever left the house dress like that" she said

"exactly! you understand the game real well" I said we both laughed

"I'm Holland by the way"

"Jeanie....birth certificate says Jeanette though" i joked 

"your southern accent is so cute, your the one from youtube video right? the model....your face is so familiar" she said

"yeah that's me and thank you some people think my southern drawl is annoying or too redneck blah blah blah" I said

"no not at all but you cover well I remember one of your rants about the dog leashes on kids... hilarious " she said


we were there for hours till they finally called us but it wasn't so bad I got to know Holland she was pretty cool a little older than me but not that it matters she was very lively bubbly which made me like her more sitting there didn't feel as bad since I'm pretty sure I made a new friend, hopefully I get a new job too.

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