Chapter Fourteen

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Shawn's POV { 2 weeks after graduation}

"Allison? Are you sure you're ready?" I asked cautiously.

"I'm ready Shawn." Ali breathed out, and reached up to pull our bodies together.

(Sorry, no details! But I think you guys can guess what happens...)


Shawn's POV

After having sex with Allison, I feel like we've never been closer. Sometimes it breaks relationships apart, but it only brought us closer. Now, nothing is ever awkward and we don't have to stop. I waited patiently until Allison was ready, until I was ready. I'm glad we waited, because when we did do it, it was definitely worth the wait.


"Yes Angel?" I said, turning my body so I could see her beautiful face.

"I love you." Allison gently touched my cheek with the palm of her hand.

I outlined every feature on her face with my fingertip. Over her eyebrow and across her eyelid, down her cheek and onto her lips. I ran a finger across her lips then leaned down to kiss them.

"I love you way more than you can imagine, Allison."


Allison's POV {3 days later}

"Hey Ali, it's me, please pick up. I need to talk to you, it's really important. Umm okay I love you, bye." Shawn's voice on the answering machine echoed throughout the house.

I was home sick today. I had a terrible stomach ache and I couldn't stop throwing up. Shawn insisting on staying home with me, but I refused. I told him to go to work and not to worry about me. I was in the middle of puking when he called.

I grabbed the phone and dialed Shawn's number.

"Ali? Thank God you answered! There was just a report on the news about a girl being kidnapped from her home. They didn't give a description of the girl. I thought it might be you. But you're safe right?"

"Yes Shawn, I'm alright. I was just throwing up in the bathroom when you called."

"Do you need me to come home? Why are you all of a sudden so sick? Oh my God Ali! Are you pregnant?" Shawn's panicky voice yelled over the phone.

"No, Shawn, I'm not pregnant. You used a condom remember? And I'm on the pill. And we had sex only a couple days ago, even if I was, I wouldn't be showing signs this early. Where were you educated on this? Because you need to be better educated." I firmly spoke to Shawn. Immediately shutting down the idea of me being pregnant.


Before I could say anything, Shawn spoke again.

"Well, I told my boss I needed to come home early because my pregnant wife was home alone, and the kidnapper could easily take you...." Shawn trailed off.

"Pregnant wife? Really Shawn?" I tried to sound mad, but I ended up laughing.

Shawn was so protective and would do anything to make sure I was safe.

"You're not mad that I called you my pregnant wife?" Shawn asked.

I stopped laughing. "No, because it will be true soon enough right?"

Over the phone, I heard Shawn gasp. Oh no! Did I say something wrong?

"Yeah, not soon enough." He mumbled.

"What?" I asked him, even though I heard perfectly clear what he mumbled.

What the hell does that mean? Was he going to ask me to marry him sooner than I thought? Oh goodness, I'm not even in college yet!

"Nothing, just talking to myself. I'll be home in 5 minutes. I love you bye!" Shawn quickly said then hung up.

Well this is just great! Now I'm stuck with knowing that Shawn was going I propose sooner than I thought. It's not that bad of an idea. But I just want to wait until after college to have kids. And if we are married, we would definitely be less careful when we had sex. And everybody knows what happens when you're not careful.

I must have been thinking of this for quite some time because Shawn is now standing in front of me.

"Hey Allison..."

I snapped out of my thoughts just in time to feel something crawling up my throat. I ran into the bathroom just in time. As I was throwing up in the toilet, I felt Shawn's hands pulling my hair back into a ponytail. He ran a comforting hand up and down my back.

After I finished puking, I brushed my teeth and walked up the stairs to Shawn and I's bedroom.

I changed into black sweatpants and my old middle school softball t-shirt.

Looking in the mirror, I tried to fix Shawn's attempted ponytail. Just as my fingers pulled out the hair tie, I saw Shawn's fingers in the reflection. He dragged his fingertips across my neck and over my shoulder blades. I felt his lips touch my shoulder and move across my neck and up behind my ear. Shawn's hands combed through my hair, pulling it up into a ponytail.

"You look perfect. Don't need to change at all." Shawn whispered in my ear.

I watched his reflection in the mirror. He stopped kissing me and looked at me in the mirror.

"Do you see that?" Shawn asked.

I shook my head.

Shawn pointed to my reflection.

"Cuz I see a perfect girl in that mirror. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my entire life. She makes me laugh when I'm sad. Her smile lights up the room. And she's really smart too. She cooks for me when I'm hungry. And most importantly, she loves me unconditionally no matter what."

I smile at Shawn in the mirror.

"See? That's the smile I love!"

"Allison Marie Jones, do you see now how perfect you are? You may not be perfect to other people, but you are in my eyes. I could never ask for anything better in life. You give my happiness and love. And I will be forever grateful for what you've done for me."

I turn my head into his shoulder, so I don't have to see my blushing cheeks. Shawn always says these little things that make me believe I'm beautiful the way I am. Like just now? That would seem random to outsiders. Random declarations of love and random acts of love are what I love most about Shawn. He always makes me feel so special and he never fails to make me smile.



"I still don't feel so good."

Shawn pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"It's okay Angel, I'll make you some soup and we can watch a movie. Okay?"


"Why don't you pick a movie while I go make us an early dinner."

I glanced at the clock, it was almost 5. We usually eat around 6. Shawn's not much of a chef, so I almost always cook breakfast and dinner. Actually, I usually make his sandwiches for his lunch too.

My tired eyes scanned through my movie collection. I stopped on a classic, Mean Girls. I was definitely in the mood to laugh.

I put the movie in and sat on the edge of the bed.

Shawn came up a few minutes later with a bowl of soup, crackers, and a can of ginger ale.

We settled under the covers and I ate my soup. It was just chicken noodle that you put in the microwave.

After I finished my food, Shawn put his arm around my shoulders. I leaned my head into the crook of his neck. Before I knew it, the movie was done and I was almost asleep. Shawn turned the movie off and started to sing. The one song he knows helps me fall asleep. It's a slow sad song. Not our song, Fall, but Amnesia.

"I wish that I could wake up with amnesia, and forgot about these stupid little things. Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you, and the memories I never can escape."

Amnesia (Book #1 in the Shallison Series)-CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now