Chapter Four

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Shawn's POV {1:03am}

I woke up from an uncomfortable sleep very early in the morning. I was sitting in a hospital chair. All around me was white. I saw my mother and sister sitting next to me. We were in the local hospital waiting room. I suddenly bolted upright in my chair and I heard Ali's name being yelled from far away. Aaliyah shook my shoulders. I realized I was the one calling for Allison. My mom raised her head groggily.

"What happened? Is she okay? Is she gonna be okay? Where is she?" I asked frantically.

My mom sat up and I leaned against her shoulder.

"Someone hit Allison in the head very hard. She is in a coma right now. They don't know how long for. But they estimated from a few hours to a few days. Her head only had minor damage. They said she might have memory loss when she wakes up. But no brain damage." She paused, waiting for my reaction.

I just sat there, stunned by the news. My beautiful Allison was in a coma. It was all my fault. If we had walked home sooner instead of making out on a sidewalk. All my fault!

My mom wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"I know what your thinking, but it wasn't your fault. The police think it was an attempted robbery, or an attack of an enemy. Did she have any major enemies?"

I shook my head. But I did think of one. Her ex-boyfriend. He cheated on her when they dated last year. She ferociously dumped his sorry ass in front of the whole school.


"I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU CHEATED ON ME YOU UNGRATEFUL PIG!!!!!!" Allison screamed at the top of her lungs across the cafeteria.

Jake, her ex, just shrugged.

Ali's mad face was cute as hell, but I knew he hurt her bad. That fucking asshole never deserved her anyways.

Allison stormed over to his table and grabbed him by his shirt collar and hauled him to his feet.

"Never mind, I CAN actually believe that you cheated on me. How could you? I thought you loved me you fucking dickhead! We are OVER! I hope you rot in hell you fucking bastard!!!! I never want to see your face ever again!" She screamed.

My legs carried me over where she stood, screaming at Jake. Just as I gently grabbed her arm, the other arm jerked back by her hip and shot out. Her right fist decking Jake right in the nose. He turned over as his nose started to bleed. He stepped forward, I could tell he was going to hurt her.

"You fucking bitch, I'm gonna beat your sorry litt-" he was stopped short as I drew back my fist and launched it at his face. This time he fell to the floor holding his cheek.

"Don't you EVER think of touching her again! You hear me? Or else I'll beat YOU! Stay away from her you fucking dickhole!" I yelled in his face in anger.

I stepped back as he got to his feet. His little posse crowded around him as they walked away. Allison threw her arms around me, holding me tight. My face was red with anger and I was breathing heavily.

"Thank you Shawn, for protecting me. I'll always love you. My little hero." Allison said as my arms wound around her tiny waist.

"Let me see your knuckles" I said.

She held out her hand. I ran my thumb over her red knuckles. I brought her hand to my mouth and gently kissed her bruised knuckles. I saw her smile out of the corner of my eye. I intertwined our fingers and we walked home from school early. Never once letting go of each other's hand.

*End of Flashback*

My mom's concerned voice drew me from my flashback. Maybe it was Jake who hit Allison.

"Can I see her?" I asked frantically.

"No Shawn, I'm sorry but until they can contact her parents, no visitors."

I felt a wave of guilt wash over me. If we had walked home earlier. I can't believe she got hurt, it should have been ME! My nose prickled with the sensation of imminent tears. I stood up and hastily walked to the bathroom. I locked myself in a stall and took several deep breaths. I could feel tears sliding down my cheeks and dripping off my chin. I quickly wiped them away with the back of my hand. I didn't want to stop crying. I wanted to let the tears wash the guilt off of me. I wanted to sob because Allison was in that hospital room and I wasn't. But I knew she would reassure me it wasn't my fault. So I willed myself to stop the tears and calm down. After blowing my nose and taking big deep breaths, I unlocked the stall door. I splashed cold water over my red eyes and splotchy face. I heard a knock on the door.

"Shawn are you in there?" I heard my friend, Ian ask.

When did he get here?

"Yeah" I replied and a second later, Ian pushed open the door.

He saw how I looked and a look of empathy spread across his face.

"It's okay buddy, come here" He said, holding out his arms.

I hugged him and couldn't control myself. I broke down in tears again. Ian just kept on holding me.

"It wasn't your fault Shawn. Come on, you know if Ali saw you she would smack you"

"For what? Being such a wimp? I'm crying like a little girl." I replied, my voice heavy with sobs.

"No! For thinking it was your fault!" Ian said, then he let go of me. I pressed my hands against my face. Wiping the wet tears away from my eyes and off my cheeks and chin.

"Okay, I guess your right." I splashed more cold water on my face and fist bumped Ian.

"Sorry that you had to see me cry like that" I apologized.

"It's okay Shawn, I can't imagine how you must feel. I mean you are in love with her right?" He said, grinning.

I looked down at the ground. I could feel my face burning.

"Yes. And she knows too. I told her yesterday morning and guess what she did? She kissed me. SHE kissed ME!!!!

So I don't know if we're together or what...after she gets better I'll do something nice for her and ask her to be my girlfriend. What do you think?" I asked Ian.

He raised his eyebrows. "That's awesome bro, I can't believe she kissed you! And yes you should plan a picnic or something. That will be romantic, chicks dig romance."

That made me laugh, it felt like years had passed since I had last laughed. We walked out of the bathrooms and back to the waiting room. Mom and Aaliyah were waiting for me. Mom looked slightly happier than she had before.

"Good news Shawn! They have gotten ahold of Beth and Jack (Allison's parents), and they have given only you permission to see Allison while she's in a coma."

I smiled at her and immediately asked which room she was in.

"Room 207"

I dashed for the elevator just as it closed. No time to wait! I opened the door to the stairwell and ran quickly up the stairs. Eager to see Allison, even if she wasn't awake to see me. Even though she was injured in a hospital bed. I reached the second floor and turned left to find room 207.

I found the room, and quietly opened the door. Good, no doctors.

Allison was lying in the hospital bed with millions of tubes and wires connected to her. The heart monitor showed her steady healthy heartbeat.

Up up down down up up down down.

Her beautiful brown hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail, done in a hurry I assumed. Most of the blood was cleaned out of her hair. Her skin was very pale and she looked skinnier. I very meticulously touched the inside of her wrist. She was very cold. Looking at her still, pale lips made me miss her smile. I sat in the chair next to the bed and held her hand. I held onto that hand and didn't once let go. Until I finally slid into restless sleep around 4:00am.

Amnesia (Book #1 in the Shallison Series)-CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now