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I watched my mate as she poured the hot water into a cup, pieces of her hair were tucked behind her right ear, giving me the perfect view of her face. Her sharp cat eyes, dark and always empty. It was never her eyes that leaked out her emotions, it was the faces she'll make.

Her lips will begin to quiver, her chin wobbling, her eyebrows begin to furrow, as if wondering why her body was functioning on its on record. And then the tears will come.

She walked out into the patio, the fog heavily sat low to the ground. She cautiously took a step, still barefoot, I followed her. She stuck her hand out in front of her, watching it disappear. "It's been lonely here, hasn't it?" She says quietly, still looking out to the grey wall.

I could see it, there in her face. She didn't want to become the way she is. In all honesty she was afraid of isolation. She wasn't born into it. She had adapted to it.

I chuckled, her head turned to me as I did. I could see the concern in her face, watching as it slowly seeped into those cold eyes. I took slowly steps towards her, "I never stayed in this home longer than two days. I've been mostly in my other form, these past years." We walked back inside.

"And what about you, you hadn't been able to shift since you were in the human sanctuary for quite a few years." I asked, she paused and I suddenly smirked.

I saw her lips slight tug up but she hid behind her cup as she sipped her drink. She put the cup down, "Mm, well, you saw me doing my routine that night so that much you should know." Those mischievous eyes clashed with mine. I leaned my head back and let out a small grin. I looked back at her, her eyes gleaning.

"Yeah, gave me and the others quite a show." I fired back, she smirked at me, humming, flicking her hair to the side effortlessly.

"You're welcome, I expected a tip though. Pervert." She said "under her breath". I snickered, shaking my head. She sighed gently, the cardigan she wore had slipped off of her shoulders and was now on the chair. She stretched, almost provokingly, her naval showing as she leaned back in her chair, her toes pushing backwards. Her hair dangling, I noticed the scar on her hip, from where she had been wounded last.

"Do half-breeds always get scars from a wound." She suddenly sits back up straight, cover her stomach protectively. She eyes me, seeing if I was serious or not.

"I tend to scar with the bad wounds, it doesn't hurt, it'll go away with time." Her fingers dance over the ragged pink mark. "Does it bother you? It must, since the lycanthropy had outlawed half-breeds." She says, suddenly leaning in.

I shook my head, "Mm, that was long ago. My father and his siblings had made that law. I was never apart of it, I never liked the idea of killing someone of our blood. Half of it or not,"

"What I meant, that night, was I really can't know if your body could handle a lycanthropy pup. I can't risk you-" I stopped myself, her eyes getting wary.

"Was your mother a wolf or a human, Juliana?" As I asked the question I noticed her eyes glazed over with a darker color.

"A wolf, my father was a human." She told me, her eyes were looking into mine but they seemed distant. Somewhere else. "And what about you, Hansel never says a word." Her eyes suddenly seeped with warmth.

I felt myself shutting in too, both of us testing each other. Testing our limits, seeing who's going to be the first to crack and slam the door shut. "My parents were lycanthrope, at first, long ago there were colonies that were under us. I guess you could say we were royalty. We originated in Japan, Japanese lycanthropy. My mother was a poet, though. A beautiful woman inside and out."

She noticed by the look in my face what I was about to ask so she didn't waste time in answering. "My father was full Japanese, my mother half. I've never met my father. My mother was a very young mom. So she was childish, but loving in the beginning. But, when the opportunity came to live better, to get back into society with a high rank, she took it. I don't blame her for that-" Her words seemed to stop in her throat as I grabbed her hand, interlacing my fingers with hers.

Her eyes fluttered, causing me to smirk. She opened and closed her mouth until she finally found the words she was looking for. "I don't want your pity." I brought her hand to my lips, kissing her knuckles.

"I'm comforting you, not giving you pity, Juliana." Her eyes stared into mine, she slowly started to shake her head, a true big gorgeous smile plastered on her face as she scoffed.

"I can't believe this," Her eyes glanced over me, her face showing her coyness. "How come you're doing this." She whispered her eyes not looking at me anymore, they were fixated on our joined hands.

"I simply want too, that's why." I answered, her eyes watched me. Almost like they were looking through my soul.

"Why didn't you interfere in the pack that attacked the human sanctuary? Are you planning to be in the dark forever? Do you want people to think you're dead?" She asked me, seriousness in her voice and reflecting from her eyes.

She always got straight to the point.

"Ruling creatures that are so ignorant, deceiving, swindling, and arrogant such as wolves makes me feel disgusted." I gave her a tight smile. "If I were to rule again, with an iron fist. I'd most likely have to do what they did to the humans." Her face suddenly shifts.

That blank mask falling over the figure. Her hand goes limp in mine. I smirk, chuckling. "These aren't the worst parts of your mate, Juliana."


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