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The day was coming to an end, the Nuns had stopped by at least five times to remind me that dinning hall was opening at precisely 6:30.

I pump out a few more pushups, stopping at forty. I slowly ease up from the ground of the abandoned art class I had taken over. I roll my shoulders as I stare at the door that was a few feet ahead of me.

I had a off feeling about today. I've been on edge, wondering if my paranoia is fact and someone is watching, not just me, but how things operate here at this school.

My chest tightens, the hair on the back of my neck stands up as the door handle jiggles. I'm prepared to shift as the door cracks open. "Miss Good? The other teachers and I are worried. Is everything alright? May I come in?" Donovan's voice echoed throughout the room that was filled with projects of mine. I cleared my throat easing my muscles that had been tensed.

"Yeah, sure." I answer meekly. "I was just about to go." I watched as he looked around, even though his body language didn't seem aggressive, I was still expecting something or someone to jump out and grab me.

"Wow," He said walking over to a bowl I had made, I was just about to wrap that up and ship it to one of my customers. It was large and ran deep, a multicolored ceramic bowl, all pastel colors. Another Luna had found my online shop.

"This is beautiful, Miss Good. And sheesh! Look at these paintings...you're really talented aren't you." Donovan said grinning down at me. I hummed looking around the room briefly.

"I could be better." I answered truthfully, I didn't put as much effort into these works. Donovan chuckled at me rolling his eyes.

"Don't be so modest. You're truly an amazing girl." He shyly looked away from my eyes and fondled with my paint brushes. I clenched my jaw as I heard his heart beating rapidly, I fisted my hands, my nails digging into the skin on my palm.

don't do this Donovan. please don't. I am definitely not who you think I am. I could hear the rapidness of his breath, the shaky breath he took in as he swallows the lump in his throat.

"Thank you, Mr. Scott." I say in a painfully stressed joking voice. Trying my best to push him out of the direction he was going, he looked over at me. "What are they serving at the dining hall?" I start walking towards the door.

I look over my shoulder, watching as he gives me a false smile. "I think it's curry tonight."

I stare at the clock that was on the wall, I stood up and got off my bed as the time read 3:40 that was precisely the time that the lazy guard goes to lunch, and no one else rotates with him for about an hour and a half.

I briskly and swiftly walk out of the dormitory. Making a quickly left towards the woods. I walked barefoot on the cold damp earth of the forest floor, my eyes flicking back and forth to the sides of me. Something was definitely in these woods with me but I wasn't here for that.

As I walk I could hear the roaring river that was almost over flowing. I took off my shirt and my pants and let the freezing water drench me as I sunk into the deep floor. The burn in my muscles extinguishing. This is what happens when I don't shift for a long period of time, but the process of shifting for me is much more painful and longer than this.

I slowly got out, the feeling of my toes and feet completely gone. I put on my clothes, leaving out the wet undergarments. I walk back to my room, the exhaustion catching up to me. I dragged myself into my room, drifting off into the short sleep I usually have in my bed.

This was my routine.

I'm content with my way of life. Other than the little nuisances that come from time to time nothing really insane happens.

As I walk through the halls, I felt like my throat was closing up. So much so my hand was gently holding it. I tried to keeping my stress under control, rubbing the base of my neck, breathing in a even pace.

I felt hot eyes on me, the hair on my neck stood up, and I felt my self shudder. Goosebumps on my skin, my lips trembling from the intense feelings.

I make it into my next classroom, sitting in the closes chair. I press my hands to my face, letting out a breath. "Here she is." I couldn't even look up, my arms had been grabbed. But before I could fight I caught a glimpse of the ones who were kidnapping me. It was the nameless girls who have an apparent vendetta against me.

I let the girls of my class drag me to my art room. I sigh as they shove me down to the floor. "We all saw you with Mr. Scott last night." The leader said as she glared at me with pure hate. Her caramel skin has been sprayed with red across her cheeks as she breathed heavily, her eyes wide and crazy.

"You slut!" She yelled as she slapped me across the face. I moved with the force of the slap to make it seem like some damage was done. "You are trying to seduce Mr. Scott, to turn him to your evil demonic ways but I won't let that happen. I'll feed you to those grimy disgusting mutts before you take him away from me." She sneered in my face.

They left soon after that.

I stared at the locked door, smirking to myself. "How exciting." I muttered to myself sarcastically. I walked over to a bag of red clay, shuffling to the wheel I throw down the hunk of clay that was bigger than my head. I slap it down right in the center of the metal circular plate.

I pivot and grab a bowl of water and a sponge and start working on a vase.

I had been stuck in this room for about four hours now. I had finished my orders and wrapped them all up. I was currently contemplating if I should rip off the door knob but I knew that would raise suspicion. I stare at the silver metal, I place my hand over the knob, before I could crush it in my hands loud screech's echoed in the halls of the arts building just beyond this door.

I walked back, going to a window and pushing the shutters to the side. My eyes widened as I saw the nuns running with their classes behind them. The girls had tears running down their faces. I winced as the emergency alarm started to go off. I walked over to a holding station and grabbed a weapon I brought with me when I first came here.

I walked over to the door, crushing the knob using both hands. I ripped it off and threw it to the side of me. I put my hand through the new hole, unlocking it, I pushed it open and started walking down the empty halls.


I sighed and closed my eyes as the speakers released the sound of the principle screaming with the loud sound of a Werewolf bitting into something.

As I walked outside the wind whipped around me, I looked towards the little ones department and started to make my move.

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