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I ignored all the questions Donovan was throwing at me, brushing away his hands that tried to touch the cuts I got that were slowly fading away.

"Miss Good-" I hissed as he touched my skin, his eyes widened, noticing the way my eyes glowed and the way my features grew sharper. Just a single brush from his fingers caused me pain.

"I don't know what's going on. Maybe it's the silver fumes you guys released." I mumbled. Trying to find an answer myself. Donovan looked at me with nervous eyes. I sighed, "I'm not gonna hurt you or any other human." He slowly nodded. "But don't ask me any questions."

"O-okay, follow me I'll show you were everyone else is." I walked behind Donovan, keeping alert of my surroundings.

"Is everyone fine? Do you know if anyone other than the principle has gotten hurt and or killed?" I asked as we gotten into the elevator. I wiped the blade clean of the blood that had stuck on it, wiping it against my skirt. I looked up at him as I put the katana away into its case.

I watch as Donovan swallows hard, his Adam's apple moving. "Uh yes, a few Nuns have been injured. The guards up front have died. Apparently they are attacking the city as well." I nodded my head. My plan was to make sure everyone in this school is safe and then I'd make my way to the country side. Those wolves were obviously not rogues, they had an Alpha and I don't need a run in with one of those.

"Okay, Donovan what we are going to have to do is sneak the girls out. Each teacher pack everyone into their cars and take them to the safest place in the sanctuary. I'm pretty sure they are still keeping open a time gap for the school before they shut the gates. So we must make this quick, alert the other teachers,

Little ones go first, make sure we contact their parents and families as well." I said as we walked out of the elevator.

Donovan led me to the place where everyone was hiding. The girls who had locked me up looked surprised, some of them thanking God that I didn't get eaten by a Werewolf. All the rest of them cried harder as they saw me all bloody. I had put my weapon behind my back tucked in my skirt which was quite uncomfortable.

"Good? Are you okay? What happened to you, we were looking everywhere for you?" One of the Nuns said as she looked me over, her hands on my shoulders.

"It's seems like the lock in the art room had gotten stuck at the right moment. I tried my best to get here so I gotten scratched up while doing so." I spoke calmly, feeling her slowly ease off of the topic.

"Okay, I contacted the teachers who are with the young ones. They're getting ready." Donovan informed as he hung up the phone.

"Ok, we should start going as well-" I was suddenly cut off. The annoying girl who trapped me interrupting me.

"What?! We're going to leave this building?! The only thing that is keeping us alive and away from those beasts?! How does that make sense?!" She shrills, her eyes widened like a maniac. I sigh, getting impatient.

I looked to Donovan and raised my eyebrow as we made eye contact. I'd let him deal with his fan while I'll take the others to safety.

I moved away from her and looked to the others, "I'll make sure you all get to safety, I'll make sure you get back to your families." I tell them sincerely. They all look around, and finally settle on the Nun who suddenly, slowly, shakes her her in a yes.

"Good, now lets go. You'll be in front of me and I'll be just behind you. Okay? You won't leave my sight." I walked past Donovan who was smiling at the girl as she gushed and blushed.

As we collected to the side door of the building I turned around to face them. "I will die before they could touch you. But I must ask you, all of you, to keep in mind that these are only a pack of werewolves, they aren't all like this." I left my speech at that, ignoring the questioning looks as. I shoved open the door, and had them walk in front of me. I pulled out my katana my eyes leisurely taking in the ground ahead of us.

I walked just about two feet ahead of the group. I watched as they all locked hands and arms with each other like I had advised.

Donovan was towards the back, the girl from before clinging to him. He looked over his shoulder to me, but I couldn't even give him a reassuring nod because I felt that same tingling feeling from before. The heat moved from my finger tips, to the tip of my nose, down to my legs.

I cleared my head and looked to the people who I'm supposed to be saving.

I looked around, we were getting closer to the car lot, we were maybe just five minutes away from it. We had successfully met up with the young children and the other Nuns. All we needed was to pack into cars and take them to the town center.

I stopped, looking to my left to see a wolf coming straight towards the group. "Donovan, lead them to the cars! Now! Run, quickly." I hissed into his ear, I pushed him and took out my katana, the metal scraping against the saya. I ran head on to the swift wolf, swinging my katana to its legs. I drew my arm back and caught its thigh, digging deep.

The white wolf still ran but it's target was now set on me. I dropped my katana at my side and started to unbutton my skirt. The Nuns gasped and the girl forcefully turned Donovan's head away from me as I slid off my clothes.

I shifted, the process painful and slow. My bones cracked and shifted into place. As my second form was ready the wolf in front of me started to circle. I followed its movements, it wasn't a second later that he attacked. Going straight for my neck, this wolf was slim, stealthy, and quick. All I needed was to distract him long enough, even if I didn't want to die for these humans if that's what happens it happens.

I ducked my head out of the way and rushed towards him, raising my paw and slashing his face. Aiming for the eyes. He took the hit and paid me back with a harsh slash on my back. His teeth grazed the flesh as well, but as I tossed and wrestled us I kept a strong hold on him. I pinned him down, but I held it for about four minutes.

With every bloody bite he counter attacked it with a more powerful and painful one. His stamina was obviously better than mine, but I was set on not dying. As we pulled away from each other, he let out a heavy snort and growl. Telling me to give up, because I strongly believe I look ten times as worse as he does. And he's looks pretty shitty.

I ignored his forewarning and pounced, I locked my jaw on his neck, I pinned him down. He struggled underneath me, growling and scratching my belly with rapid kicks.

I howled as I was suddenly tackled by two other wolfs. I thrashed my body around, the pain hitting me as one of the wolves had a deadly hold on my neck.

The pain and exhaustion was catching up to me. I felt my body shutting down on me, as much as I tried to keep that feeling at bay it wasn't in my hands.

The wolf ruthlessly clenched his jaw tighter around my neck. I started to feel myself shifting. Since I was a half-breed the bond I have with my wolf can easily be separated by getting extremely hurt. Full bred wolves don't have to worry about that possibility since their blood is fully that of a true decedent of Lycanthropy.

Just as my naked body was on full display my ass was saved. The wolves were taken down by three others. I gasped out, holding my hand to my gushing neck. I jumped as a heavy coat was dropped onto my body. I looked up, shocked to who I saw.

"I'm disappointed. I've taught you many ways to get out of a hold like that." The old man said before bending down and scooping me up, I looked at Hansel with annoyed eyes.

"T-the humans-" He caught me off before I could explain my distress.

"I've got it handled. Just be quite and be grateful that I saved your scrawny ass." He bent down again, this time grabbing my uniform. I let out a short, painful breath. Suddenly slumping in his eyes. Through my blurry eyes I could see a slightly pained look on Hansel's face before I went unconscious.

"T-thank you...old man." I grunted out. With my eyes close I weakly reached for his scruffy jaw, his facial hair rough against my hand.

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