Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

We opened the door going ti the receptionist who made us sign in and wear name tags. A big man came up to us "Are you guys the volunteers?" he asked us.

I nodded while Ann said "Yep," while popping the 'p'.

"So I guess what you guys can do is keep them entertained, talk about your life they like hearing about young peoples lives. I guess you can just head in if you have any questions then just come out here and ask me you can leave at one thank you so much," the man said opening the door.

The room smelled liked elderly people the typical grandma and grandpa house smell. There were old people sitting around watching TV and drinking plum juice. They looked so lonely and sad just sitting there doing nothing.

"Hey everyone these are our volunteers they should be keeping you company today so please be nice to them," he said closing the door making me jump.

Ann pulled my arm and sat me down next to her at a table there were a few old people sitting down looking bored.

"Hi I'm Ann and this is my best friend Trent but he doesn't talk much," she said.

"Oh what a pleasure to meet you darling I'm Scarlett," she said putting her hand out.

Ann gladly shook her hand "So what's your favorite thing to do here," she asked Scarlett.

"Gossip see that young handsome fellow over there we have been flirting for a while," Scarlett said point at some guy.

He was old a geezer he was not young not to mention handsome. "Ohh! Scarlett you got it going on," Ann said with fake excitement trying to hold back her laughter.

"So tell me something about you," she said to Ann.

Ann smiled once the attention was on her "Well I have a boyfriend and his name is Daniel we both love each other so much. Actually he is Trent's older brother," she said informing Scarlett on her life.

"Why is Trent here and not this Daniel?" she asked Ann.

"Because it's 'Ann and Trent time' today even though he did beg I had to force him to go to school," she said.

"Wait you guys are ditching school yet your here at a retirement place?" Scarlett asked another question.

Ann nodded her head "Yep it's one of the thugs on my list to do with my best friend," she said pulling the paper out of her purse.

Does she keep that thing wherever she goes. I'm glad that Scarlett was laughing at my so called 'befriend' because I didn't find anything funny about that list in her hands.

"Your gay?" she asked me.

I nodded my head "So tell me about your life?" she asked me.

I looked at Ann who started talking for me "Well Trent ran inti this guy and then they found out that they were mates. What happened was that he started bullying Trent and soon they became friends and now I don know where they are in their relationship," Ann said summing up my life with a shrug.

"Hmm that's so cool I had that typical mate you find him and then they end up mating right now he is golfing," she said.

I am truly confused with this grandma lady I thought that she was just talking about that one old dude that liked her. After a while we ended up going to lunch it was actually very boring.

I went home around dinner time due to Ann excessive talking habit, the only reason we left at the time we did is because she felt a need to see Daniel. I'm not complying though a day with only Ann only makes me mentally insane. No one can deal with the stuff she talks about Daniel has a psychotic mate.

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