2.1 - i hate you

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michael let out a small groan before opening his eyes slowly, the light from the ceiling almost blinding him. he squinted, his eyes adjusted to the bright light and revealing a smiling evelyn looking down at him.

"you're awake." she stated.

michael furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and started to observe his surroundings, which to his dismay, was a small, square hospital room. looking down at his own self as he layed down in the hospital bed, he widened his eyes in horror.

"i'm wearing a dress." he said in a small voice, his light headedness making him feel dizzy and caused him to throw his head back against the pillow.

evelyn let out a small giggle before taking michael hand in hers and giving it a small squeeze. "you're wearing a hospital gown, mikey. not a dress." she corrected.

"this is like prom all over again." he whimpered, his plump lips going into a pout.

"you didn't go to prom, mike." evelyn laughed.

"good." he murmured. he felt a pain shoot through his stomach and chest as he tried to sit up.

she put her hand on his shoulder gently and pushed him back onto the bed, a sympathetic frown on her face. "doctor said to take it easy, alright?"

the green haired boy sighed in frustration before nodding his head gently. "why am i here, ev?"

evelyn's smile disappeared almost immediately before she looked down at her hands, in attempt to avoid eye contact with him.

"we'll talk about it later, alright? i'm going to go ask the doctors something about your medicine." she smiled sadly before placing a small kiss to michael's forehead and walking towards the door.

"ev." he called to her, making her pause just at the door.


"so, was ashton beating my ass just a dream or did that really happen?" he asked in attempt to lighten the mood, his head still buzzing from the medicine.

all she did was give him a small smile before turning back and walking out of the small room.

michael let out a small sigh before looking down at his arm, which was hooked up to a IV that beeped loudly. he pursed his lips before peeling off the tape and pulling out the needle from his arm quickly, causing him to flinch lightly.

he needed to find luke and tell him everything. he needed to make things right between them.

just as he was about to try and get out of the bed, he heard the door click shut.

michael looked over not only to see the tall, blonde boy with the shaded glasses and black cane standing right in front of the door.

"how am i gonna do this..." he heard luke mumble to himself before he started to shuffle himself slowly across the room towards michael's bed.

with michael not saying a word, luke made his way over to him slowly with his arm stretched out till it touched the bed and he let out a sigh of relief.

luke stood there for a minute, in front of him before reaching down for michael's hand.

michael couldn't help but smile at how frustrated he seemed to get when he couldn't find it, but eventually the beaten boy grabbed luke's hand in his.

the blonde boy gasped to himself before letting out a scoff. "all this time you could have just gave me your hand."

"that wouldn't have been fun." michael laughed.

"your sister told me about ashton."

michael raised his eyebrows. "she did?"


there was a long silence before michael cut in.

"you should have saw it, before ashton beat my ass, i totally told him off, it was iconic, honestly."

suddenly, luke released his hand.

"stop acting like everything is fine, michael. nothing is fine, alright? you may not have slept with delilah, but you still lied to me. you still let me make a fool of myself. how could you do that to me, michael?! after everything, i thought that maybe--"

michael grabbed luke's hand again and tugged him closer, making luke fall into michael embrace.

"i missed you too, blind." he smiled, taking in his nice aroma.

luke was frozen for a second before hugging michael back tighter (even though it hurt michael, it was worth it).

letting out a sigh, he nuzzled his chin into the crook of michael's neck.

"i hate you." he mumbled into his neck.

"i love you."


[not edited]


this story will end pretty soon cries

hey go check out my new story knee socks and i will go vote on some of your stories and stuff ok

alright love u

-marinara sauce

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