0.2 - dad jokes

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the next day, luke had finally convinced calum to drop him off at the library by himself. reluctantly, calum agreed under the circumstances that he can't leave the library without telling him.

sometimes calum acted more like luke's dad rather than his bestfriend.

luke made his way to the back of the library, bumping into a few bookshelves a long the way.

after stumbling through the book shelves, his cane hit something sturdy. luke felt the object, identifying it as a table. he grabbed a chair that was pushed under it and plopped down.

he let out a small breath before feeling his back pocket for his phone and pulling it out. he unrolled his headphones, putting both of the buds in his ears. he pressed 'play' and let the music blast at full volume.

he laid his head down on the cold wooden table and closed his eyes.

. . . . . .

before luke could fall asleep, he felt a small tap on his shoulder. his head jolted up instantly.

he plucked his headphones from his ears and turned his head.

"uh, yeah?" luke asked awkwardly, not knowing if he was even facing the person who had tapped on him.

"hi. i, uh, i ran into you yesterday. i'm sorry about that." the similar voice from yesterday flushed.

he nodded. "it's cool," luke mumbled quietly, turning back to face the table.

luke heard some shuffling and a chair scraping the floor. he knew that the person had decided to sit down, but he chose to ignore it.

he hated social situations.

luke put in one of his earbuds and pressed play, praying that the person would magically disappear.

after a long silence, the boy's voice chimed in.

"so, what are you listening to?"

"a song," luke deadpanned, hoping that being rude might make the guy go away.

"by who?"

"a band."

"which one?"

"does it matter?"

luke heard the guy sigh. there was a long silence before either one of them broke the excruciating silence.

"why are you wearing sunglasses? it's dark in here," the voice asked curiously.

"i'm blind."

there was an awkward silence. maybe this guy thought he was some sort of blind freak and wouldn't want to talk to him anymore.

"well, nice to meet you, blind. i'm michael."


this is so un original but i like it okAY

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