Chapter Three

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Chapter 3:

‘And that’s curtain down everybody, great job.’ I said as I took off my headset and set it down. I stepped out of my booth and was immediately tackled by a sweaty, curly haired boy.

‘Harry, I don’t really want to share your sweat.’ I giggled.

‘Well excuse me for wanting to be the first person to thank you, that was our best show ever! Did you know you’re amazing?’ He said, whilst grinning down at me.

‘Yes.’ I stated simply. ‘I’m kidding, are you serious? I thought I did awfully.’

‘Are you serious? It was amazing.’ I ruffled his hair, but regretted it.

‘Harry seriously, go get changed and dry your hair with a towel or something- that is just disgusting.’ He pouted and kissed me on the cheek before scampering away towards their dressing room, he called over his shoulder:

‘Oh and by the way Char: you have to come to the after party- as stage manager it is mandatory.’ 

‘Hell no! I already gave you your answer.’ I turned back to the booth and shut everything down before deciding to call it a night and try and get away as quickly as possible: I really didn’t want to go to this after party. Especially after Louis had told me- during the interval- all of the celebrities who would be there: it would just be plain embarrassing. I almost ran to the staff room, slipped of my heels and my dress and slipped on the clothes I had been wearing earlier- grabbed my bag and coat and checked to see if the coast was clear.

After confirming that there was no-one around this part of the building, I slid out and started running towards the exit. Someone cleared their voice behind me.

‘Charlotta Edwards, where on earth do you think you’re sneaking off to?’ Shit.

‘I was just running to the bath room before I ummm…’

‘Why are you taking all your clothes, you bag and your coat to the bathroom- and why have you gotten changed?’ I turned slowly to face him.

‘Louis, please. I just don’t feel like going.’ I tried to look sincere, but like I said earlier, I must be crazy to not take up this offer.

‘But why?’ Damn, he’s pulled out the puppy-dog eyes, I’m done for.

‘Cause… I just…. Grrr. I just don’t want to embarrass myself, I’m a nobody and I’ll just end up sitting on my own in the corner all lonely.’ I sighed.

‘You’re a silly billy; I won’t leave you on your own and I promise I’ll look after you.’







‘I said no Louis and that’s final.’

‘But you can be my date’

 I thought about it for a minute, contemplating my options- who am I kidding? A huge smile spread across my face. It was the date part that had me- straight away; I simply couldn’t turn down an offer to be Louis Tomlinson’s date.

‘Fine, but really? Silly Billy? How old are you.’ I poked his cheek.

‘Not as young as you so it seems.’ He grinned and held out his arm for me. ‘To the Ritz Miss Edwards.’

‘Nuh uh, Home first, I am not wearing this to a celebrity saturated after party at the Ritz Mr Tomlinson.’ Gesturing to my sloppy outfit of red and white converses, skinny ripped jeans, a cream knitted jumper and navy body warmer.

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