16. Doing morning ritual (s)

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Michelle Jones PoV

I sat up at the sound of the alarm and turned it off before the second beep. Okay I'm up.

You see, I'm someone who is a light sleeper, so will wake up at the first alarm beep, and just can't let it beep any longer.

My husband on the other hand, well you might as well bring a brass band into our bedroom and he'd still sleep like a baby... not that I watch babies sleep or something... it's an expression.

"Waaaake up." I saod, rolling onto him in an attempt to wake him up.

"Mmmh 5 more minuets." Hw mumbled.

"I will slap you with my book." I threatened wholeheartedly.

"Alright alright I'm awake." He said, rubbing his eyes, fully knowing I would actually do it.

"Good now get up so we— Oof."

My sentence was cut off as peter rolled us over, squishing me under him.

"Why are you sooo heavy." I whined, pulsing at his chest as he closed his eyes and rested on me.

"Because I'm full of love." He said, smiling at me pathetic attempt at getting him off.

"Ughhh. Get off me or I will chuck you off the bed." I complained.

"No you won't, you love me too much." Hw said confidently.

Smiling I shuffled myself to the edge of the bed before letting myself, and my idiotic husband fall to a heap on the floor.

"Okay, yeah, definitely awake now." He said, glaring at me slightly annoyed, to be honest he should be used to this now, seeming it happened most mornings.

"Okay, up you big oaf, you've gotta cook me breakfast."

"What if I don't waaaana cook you breakfast." Hw whined.

"What happened to 'what the wife wants, the wife gets." I questioned him as he groaned.

"Your gonna hold me to that for the rest of your life aren't you?"

"You bet I am." I saod, giving him a light kiss on the forehead before getting up off him.

I grabbed my book as I walked out of the room, satisfied that I could hear Peter getting up behind me.

I walked along the corridor and settled down in the open plan kitchen living room on one of the sofas next to the window.

Me and peter rented a 20th floor apartment so the views where stunning, not that I looked at them a lot with my nose always pressed into a book.

"And what would my darling wife like for breakfast this morning." Peter said, waltzing in, sporting his favourite 'kiss the cook' apron.

"Well I don't know, dearest husband, how about you choose." I said back to him.

"Porridge it is then." He replied happily, already grabbing the oats out of the cupboard.

I smiled and ready my book for a while before I was interrupted by Peter leaning over my shoulder and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Whatcha reading babe." He asked.

"Shouldn't you be making breakfast?" I replied.

"It's in the microwave." Hw replied before looking at me annoyed.

"Not gunna kiss the cook? To think I wore this for you and you ignore me to read your book."

"Well the cook has to earn his kiss." I replied smirking.

"And how does he earn that?"

"He leaves me alone and makes breakfast." I said as the microwave gave a ping of satisfaction, indicating it was done.

"You're so mean." He muttered, fetching the two bowls of porridge and adding some fruit.

"Has the cook earned his kiss now? He said, placing my bowl in front of me.

"Maybe." I saod smiling before he leaned in and kissed me. After a bit I pushed him off much to his annoyance.

"Kiss me any longer and we'll both me late for work, also my porridge will go cold."

After that I ate and read as he read the newspaper and ate, he seemed to find it very interesting reading the Daily Bugles theories about him and how the people he had saved were doing after he so graciously saved them, and the sentences their assailants got.

"You finished inflating your ego enough to go brush your teeth." I asked as I washed up, earning a snort from my husband.

"K, I'm coming." Hw said, putting the newspaper down but instead of heading to the bathroom, headed towards me and chucked me over his shoulder.

"Peter! I'm not done with the washing up, put me down."

"Okay", hw said as he walked into the bathroom,before plonking me down.

"Your an absolute idiot." I muttered as we both got our toothbrushes out.

"Yeah but I'm the idiot you married." Hw smirked, literally smothering his toothbrush in toothpaste.

"Peter! No! It's supposed to be a pea sized blob of toothpaste, not a bloody log!"

"What can I say, I like my teeth clean." He said, grabbing my toothbrush and also logging on the toothpaste.

"There, squeaky clean teeth."

God, why did I marry this guy.

After the toothpaste fiasco I finally managed to finish washing up the bowls and got back into our bedroom to get ready for work.

"MJJJJJJJJJ. Which shirt should I wear." Peter questioned.

"Choose your own shirt." I replied, enjoying his annoyed hmph I got from my reply.

"Okay I'm dressed honey." I saod after like 2 minuets, what can I say, I'm a fast dresser, well, I am when Peters not in the way trina Chuck me back on the bed.

"See you after work." Hw soad, still trina get into his trousers.

"Yeah see ya." I replied, leaving the apartment, down the elevator and out into the busy street.

And that's how my day begins.

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