Chapter 50

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•Kevin's POV•

I remember the exact moment.

Her eyes and the numb feeling that enveloped me. That feeling has never left. I'll also never forget how we looked into each other's eyes and held each other's hands.

With each kiss, we became closer. Words became less important. That night in Bali, while drinking beer with her mom for the first time, I finally told her..."I found her."

Although my gut feeling tells me that she did feel the earth move the same way, it was a challenge. I couldn't stop thinking about her since the day I met her. Not only is she the most beautiful woman I had ever met, she was also full of life and has a way of making you feel happy and inspired and breathless and...RIGHT in just about everything.

"Kevin, son, what are you waiting for? It's about to start."

"Yeah. Ok." I said as I was fixing my tie.

"Are you sure you're ok? Are you having any second thoughts?"

"No, dad. I've been waiting for this."

"Good. Because I like her. I like the way you are when you're with her."

"Me too."

Yes. Today is my wedding day.

(Flashback three years ago...)

After our first night together in my grandma's old house, everything went back to normal. By normal I mean, going to work first thing in the morning, dealing with clients after clients, finishing papers on time and of course, picking up my girlfriend to her place to bring her somewhere nice. Airie has been taking up her master's degree in business, and I in turn, am planning to hire her for her expertise very soon. We're both very excited about that.

After only two months of dating, I invited Airie to this amazing restaurant I used to visit with my mom and I think she could tell I was nervous about something. After picking at her food all night, I finally admitted that I've told my parents we're having dinner with them the day after and that they want to meet her again, this time, to really get to know her personally.

I knew it was a big deal for her because she's the first girl I have introduced to my parents. And it goes the same for me because my parents just got back together and history can speak for themselves.

Airie can see how serious I am about her that it solidify our friendship and our love. The following day, she surprised us by bringing her mom during dinner and they all clicked instantly and it was a night to remember.

Months went by and she finished her first examination. What could be better than a surprise get away to destress her out. When I took her home that night, I aptly observed her quickly rising temper over her jackass professor so I decided to brisk her away to the Berkshires. While I put our promptly packed bags in the car's compartment the next day, she called her classmates pleading the flu and a self-imposed quarantine – for their sake, whatever. She looked so funny.

We spent the weekend eating numerous lobster rolls and then swimming in the lake. The thrill of making stories and foregoing her childhood lifeguard warning was just enough to heat things up.

And then there's EURO TRIP. We travelled all over Europe on her semestral break. There was this one exceptional afternoon in Venice. We kept walking in circles through twisty passageways and over canal bridges, laughing as we ended up right where we started. The sun was shining. There wasn't any cloud in the sky.

After a long hour of being lost, we arrived at the Peggy Guggenheim museum. She saw her first ever Picasso painting. Airie had this short moment of silence just staring at the piece of drawing that I can never understand. And when she turned to look at me, she mouthed an "I love you."

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