Chapter 3

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We're lucky we got out alive. It was a strong explosion back at Urban but I did not see the fire, only a build-up of smoke coming from outside.

"It's been a long night." Ellie opens up.

"Where were you guys when the explosion happened?" I've been longing to ask that question since the moment we could all breathe without the smoke.

"Ellie, Nessa and I went to the bathroom. Gab took over the couch while we're gone. I saw you dancing with some girls on the floor, didn't bother to call you," Cadie explains. "After the first explosion, we headed back to find both of you but a lot of people lead us to the exit. Then another explosion happened. They kept pushing us out. I couldn't see you or her after that," she continues.

"I ran toward you but somebody tripped in front of me so I helped her get up. The next thing I know, you weren't on the dancefloor anymore. The usher wanted everyone to leave the building and people kept pushing me out. I was relieved I got out safely, reunited myself with the other girls but so damn worried you weren't with them." Gabby explains her side of the story.

"How about you? Who's that guy with you in the parking lot?" asks Cadie.

"Honestly? I don't know. I didn't even get his name. He pulled me down to hide behind a car during the second explosion. I'm just thankful he helped me find all of you."

"He kind of sent a guy to do that." Nessa emphasizes the peculiar gesture.

"Yeah and you have to admit he's a catch!" Gabby noticed it too.

"Totes! So hot!" My girls agreed.

"Now that I think about it, he looks so familiar. I think I've seen him before but I can't remember."


Details of the event seem futile after talking about it so much at dawn. A few minutes later, we find ourselves dozing off.

It's quarter past two in the afternoon when we realized that no matter how heavy our eyes were, our tummies can no longer sleep. We had too much alcohol last night, it kept growling. So we decided that it's actually time to consume something healthy. The four of us follow Gabby to the kitchen where we wait patiently for the meals to be served. Gabby's filthy rich alright.

---- 3 o'clock news flash! I push the volume button up.

"An explosion occurred during the soft opening of the newest club in town earlier today. Police said, it was only meant to scare off people. There was a very minimal damage within the immediate area and fortunately, no incidence of injury happened during the explosion. The owner of the club known as Urban, made a short statement about the incident."

"The club has sufficient and well-trained first responders. The fire was extinguished as soon as it lit up. I'm happy that there's no reported injury last night. We are investigating what happened so we still don't have any information at this time. Meanwhile, until we find the person responsible behind this explosion, we apologize dearly to our customers for the inconvenience that Urban will remain close."

"Isn't he the guy from the parking lot?" Ellie's eyes widen. I'm pretty sure we all did. "Holy crap! He's THE owner of the club. No wonder he's got those suited guys following him around. Big business tycoon. Nice, Airie." Gabby tactlessly blurted out with a malicious wink.

I stay quiet in the kitchen counter. The truth is, I'm still trying to wrap my head up around this guy. I know I've seen him somewhere but I really can't figure it out.

After consuming the best lunch ever, the whole afternoon has been about shopping new clothes, new accessories and new shoes to match outfits. We go to the movies together and pick out cute boys along the way. Nessa, Cadie and Ellie went home after having dinner and since I am spending one more night over, Gabby and I decided to stay home this time.

I hear my phone buzzing and it's the tone I chose specifically for my boyfriend, Nate. "Jasmin told me you'll be at Gabby's. Can you come out for a second?" I take in a deep breath before running down the stairs. Gabby gets a text from me to not wait anymore. It's going to be a long night.

Not so very often, Nate would surprise me. He used to send me flowers at school, buy me gifts or show me funny selfies. Tonight is another one of those not-so-very-often moments. It is the longest two minutes of my life and I wish the stairs in this house go as long as the walls of China. I'm still kind of mad at him for ditching my calls last night. Mr. Malcolm salutes again and opens the door for me.

"Sweetie..." Kissing me in the lips is a natural thing for him to do. It's almost like a reflex. I press my temple simply because I'm still pissed off.

"I'm starting to think this is going to be a habit." I begin while crossing my arms.

"What is?" His innocent face melts my angry heart.

"You and me not seeing each other and then seeing each other out of the blue." I explain with a pout. Nate's face turns upside down. I am trying to stay angry but it's not working. He pulls my hands as if begging.

"I know. But baby, I'm here now. Please give me a chance to make this time count?" He is doing it again. The baby face effect. The same sorry line that works every time. So I continue complaining.

"It's always easy to say but sometimes you're making it so hard to believe, Nate." I look away controlling myself to stay strong on my stand on the situation.

"Baby, please... I'm really trying here." He keeps begging me. Given his sweetness and effort, I still give in.

"I know." I raise my hands in defeat. "Fine! What now?"

Nate finally found his best smile again, "You'll see."

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