Chapter 9

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"This is me." I point to the grey bungalow on my side. "Thanks for taking me to MY HOUSE." We still cackle to the same joke.

He smiles so angelic at me and utters, "Night, beautiful." Blood suddenly rushes through my head like a firestorm inflaming my cheeks. Hearing him say that makes my heart race. I'm starting to feel out of breath.

As I step out the door to Kevin's Mustang, I cringe to see Nate standing in front of our porch. I did not notice him right away. I'm also not sure how long he's been out there. Kevin gets out of the car equally surprised to see my boyfriend eyeing him.

"Nate, what are you doing here?" I ask soon after I see him building inappropriate thoughts in his head.

"You left the party. I called you too many times you didn't answer." I can see how he is trying to prevent himself from lashing out.

Approaching him, I explain myself. "I couldn't stand being there any longer and my phone is dead."

"So what?! You just leave? You were with him the entire time?!" He is now fueled with rage, his neck veins distended.

I pull Nate's arm to stop him from getting closer to Kevin. "It's not what you think."

"Who is he?!" He shouts at me.

"Hey man, just calm down." Kevin steps in front of me, blocking me from Nate's vision. "I'm Kevin." He offers his hand but Nate didn't take it.

"Go home." He orders him but his eyes are stuck on me.

I look at Kevin and mouth "I'm sorry," begging him to leave immediately. He is kind enough to consider. I see him glaring at Nate and then looks at me apologetically before walking away.

"Get inside. You and I will talk." Nate warns me. I open the door with my keys and he follows me from behind. He couldn't control his temper so he yells at me the moment we reach the living room. "Where have you been?!"

"To Olvera." I answer weakly.

Anger gets the better of him. "What?! Why the hell were you there with him? How long have you been cheating on me, Air?"

He bombards me with one accusation after another. "We are not together. He's just a friend." My voice is breaking.

"Don't lie to me. I see the way he looks at you! He likes you!" Nate snorts, convinced that his theory is true. Meanwhile, my own anger sucks up at me consuming every ounce of patience left in my body.

"So what? No one can appreciate me now? Is that what you're saying?" I blurt out sarcastically. I can only take so much. I catch him off guard.

"No. But..." I give him no time to speak.

"But what? I'm some kind of a property to you that I can't be friends with other guys?!" I argue again and make a point.

"You know that's not what I meant. Listen to me." He tries to battle but fails.

Meanwhile, I backfire. "No Nate, YOU listen to me! I'm trying so hard to be the girl you need me to be. I need you, too. I'm not cheating on you, ok? I just wanted to get out of that place. I thought it was the best time to catch up but I was wrong. You chose to leave me alone. I was sitting there looking stupid like I always have!"

"Baby..." His heart slowly sympathizes with my pain. "I'm sorry. It's not like that." He retorts while trying to hold my hand.

"Don't touch me." I refuse to give him what he wants. I refuse to accept his touch that makes me weak every single time. "I know you have a lot in your plate right now. Med school isn't a joke. I get that. But a lot has happened to me too and I want to share it with you. Yet, I can't reach you. You're always unavailable." I swallow the lump on my throat. My eyes are heavy because tears are threatening to fall. "I'm tired."

"No. Let's talk about this." He bargains for my attention.

"I'm done talking, Nate. I want to rest. Let me go for now before I say anything that we'll both regret." The conversation ends with me leaving the scene and going straight to my room.

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