Chapter 46

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•Nate's POV•

My stomach starts flipping when I heard that Doctor Philip is taking over Doctor Wilson's class again. Our last conversation made a huge impact on me. That night in the bar, I was going to drive her home, I offered. But her friends dropped by, which is ironic, because she was supposed to be alone and I was going to meet up with classmates and they all ditched me. So we ended up parting ways in the end. As fate would have it, here she comes with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Hi! I know you're expecting Doctor Wilson today but she flew to New York for a seminar yesterday and that will take about three days."

"Shit." I say out too loudly.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Nothing." I answer instantly, looking as stupid as I can be.

"I thought I heard you say SHIT, Mr. Miller."

"I didn't. I said...SHEEP." I couldn't think of anything else. The whole class starts laughing at me. I realize I sounded even more stupid.

"Since you enjoy SHEEPs so much, you're taking over my patients today. You'll be their shepherd. How's that?" Everyone laughs again and I sink in my chair out of shame.

"Alright. Go see your patients and we'll discuss your diagnosis on each. Be back in this room in fifteen minutes." She tells the class. "Mr. Miller, a word please."

My initial plan is to approach her but when I turn around, she is already standing behind me.

"Nate, can I call you Nate?"


My head is all over the place. She smells really nice and her voice sounds so enchanting.

"Was I inappropriate to you the last time? I was a little drunk. I may have said a few things that I actually remember, I'm embarrassed."

That caught me off-guard. "No. Don't be. It's fine."

"I'm embarrassed that I said it that way. But I'm not sorry because I meant it."

What?! Is she hitting on me?

"I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to say anything. Don't ask me as well for relationship advices because I will just tell you to break-up with her and throw her in the dumpster. I really don't understand the concept of allowing anyone to treat you poorly. It's zero tolerance for me."

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Airie."

"What do you mean? We're great. Thank you very much." I snap at her and walk out of the room. She acts like she knows what I'm going through.

"Nate, hang on." She calls again. "I'm sorry. Forgive me. That was inappropriate, I know." She sighs and says, "I just thought that...maybe if I made my feelings clear, then you'd somehow see me before her. Her shadow is just way too difficult to move."

It's hard to process whatever she's declaring at the moment. I could think of only thing.

"I only have fifteen minutes to diagnose your patients. I have to go."

The news from Julio was a huge deal for me.

When I got the call from him asking me to be his best man, jealousy hit me in the gut. My best friend, who didn't even want to share his food or his space, is now sharing a life with somebody he loves. And in that same instance, for no reason at all, Shane pops into my head. I perspire heavily.

"Dr. Miller." That voice. I tried my hardest not to look creepy in front of her.

"Yes, Dr. Philip?"

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