Chapter 24

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•Kevin's POV•

On a lonely road, after days of rumbling in love songs played with violin, time rolls to a stop. We pass through a spatial opposite my home. "Pull over." I order Yuri. I get out of the car and walk to the direction where the light is coming. The water in the lake looks calm and cold. It helps my nerves the same way.

"You can leave." I roam around the area and did not bother looking at him. Yuri is following me from behind.

"But sir..."

"I just want to be alone for a while."

Yuri suddenly stops in front of me. "It's dangerous to be alone in here."

"I think I'll be fine in this park. And I can very well take care of myself."

"But sir..." His face too worried for a driver. He won't say it but I know he cares more than he should. I just stare at him with no energy to argue whatsoever. Yuri's stance suddenly changes.

"Ok. If you need me, just call."

I smile genuinely at him. "Of course, thanks." And I tap his shoulder before walking past him.

It took me several minutes to relax, as usual, and grow comfortable standing alone in an empty space. Then I rest myself on a high edge and thought of her. I can't force things to happen between me and Airie. No matter how much I wanted to. Life is giving back all that I deserved over the years of being an asshole. The one thing I finally got right, the only thing I ever wanted, is now deprived from me because I don't deserve it. So I lean on one of the railings in the park, watch the light's reflection on the lake and think about the first day I met her in Urban.


I turn around to check who it was. A bearded guy with a long face suddenly approaches my direction. His black hooded jacket says FUCK OFF in bold white letters.

"Is this the motherfucker?!" He points at me and my body begins to be in a fight response smelling trouble coming up.

"That's him!" The smaller guy whose face I can't clearly see follows him from behind.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"You messed with our brother. You will pay for it. I'm going to tear you apart, you little shit!"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't even know who you are." At the back of my head, I'm already figuring out how to try and knock them all out. If that's even possible.

"You're about to find out."

There are four of them standing apart each other in opposition to attack me. I recognize one. He's the elder brother of Owen Rivers, the guy I put to jail for arson.

Urban's case was not an accident.

The bearded man throws the first punch at my face. And then all of them begin slugging it out. I'm fighting as hard as I can, punching one of them after the other. My foot came up from the pavement and kicks the guy on my left in the gut. I recover quickly just in time to block another swing at my face and manage to fling the brother before he could hit me with his bat. One of them was able to push me against the railings and kicks me in the nuts. I kneel down in pain making the two other guys lucky enough to hold me down.

"You son of a bitch!"

He hits me again. This time with a bat on my abdomen, another one on my shoulder and I let out a throaty cry of pain. He also swings two consecutive punches on my face. I can taste blood in my mouth.

"You're not going to get away with this." I threaten him.

"Shut up! That's for my brother, you asshole!"

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