Chapter 44

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•Tristan's POV•

Today I arrive at the hospital with food for everyone who stayed with Kevin. My mind is spinning with countless concerns - Owen Rivers, Kevin's recovery, Kendra and her weird marriage and how to convince my clients about something completely inconsequential. I found myself lost in the crowd of my various emotions.

Then I see Kevin's office keys in the table next to him and the keychain he made me for Father's Day, with the three big, brightly-colored letters he inscribed upon it: D-A-D, when he was five or six-years-old.

I got ambushed by my most important identity - to be a father to him. Something inside of me cracked. And I realized for an entire evening, like so many evenings before it, I still have time to play the most sacred role in his life, especially now that he's alive and safe with us.

I think it was my ego. That little voice inside telling me that life is a big game and I can't lose anymore. Not again. I have to look perfect, win everybody over, and be right all the time.

"You can come in, you know. You're paying for the room." Kevin begins.

"I brought a few things and some soup. I know hospital food sucks." I open up, trying to sound cool.

"Thanks." He answers awkwardly. "By the way, I talked to Yuri this morning..."

"You did. What did he tell you?"

"He said...that you saved my life."

"Is that how he put it?"

"Not really. That was just the gist. He actually said a lot of things to me."

"Really? Like what?"

"Like how you didn't think for a second to pay for the ransom money. Or how you traded something big to bribe Mike to get him on our side. How you made sure I make it home alive. I just didn't want to let you know I know all of that because... it will make this conversation embarrassing, like what's happening right now."

I sigh and smile at the same time then suddenly go back to being serious. "Kevin, I..." I stutter.

"Dad, it's ok. I know..."

"No, you don't. You don't." I shake my head as I walk right at the side of his bed and whisper. "I'm sorry...for, everything. For the ego that prevented me to be the kind of father of which you are completely worthy to have." I try to compose myself and continue, "If it's not too late, I wish to be a family again. You, me and Kendra."

"That'd be great." Kevin agrees with me.

"Boy, you have so much to tell me about your mom!" I joke at the end.

We laugh together - the kind of laugh that is mending our broken hearts.

•Kendra's POV•

Standing by the door, I witness the two most important men in my life laughing their hearts out. Tristan holding Kevin's shoulder means the world to me, for never has he touched him with kindness, not even once since we left. My eyes were wet with tears and my heart is flooding of happiness. And I can live peacefully for the rest of my life even if I live it alone.

"Can I interrupt?" I say while knocking.

"Of course, mom."

"I'll leave you two alone." Tristan says as he walks towards the door of the room.

"Where are you going?" I ask, missing him right away.

"Precinct. I'll come back tomorrow." He replies.

Before he can spun his way out, he says with a shaky voice, "Kendra?"


"I need to talk to you later tonight."

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