Chapter 7

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•Airie's POV•

On the morning of the ball, my friends take the liberty of showing unexpectedly in my house. I am at the peak of dipping myself in an aromatic bath when they all show up forcing me to finish fast. Gabby, being in-charge of all the goodies (that includes the ride), flushes the water in the tub and throws towel on my now naked body. We're best friends like that. And they miss me so I understand how kidnapping me might be the only way we could all spend time together.

As the smartest woman in the group, Cadie plotted the itinerary of the day. And by now, you probably figured out that Nessa and Ellie are the cheerleaders. As far as I am concerned, I just happen to be the damsel in distress, the buzz killer, the so-called 'crybaby' among us.

Need I say more?

My girls and I are having so much fun together. We shop a few clothes in F21. I even got them frozen yogurt of their own choosing. Basically, the whole day is wasted in food and in checking out cute guys along the way. Ellie, Nessa and Gab drive separately after our small shopping spree. Gabby is feeling dizzy so they had to leave early.

Cadie and I go straight to my room to prepare for the ball. It is almost seven when Nate arrives to pick me up.

Nathaniel is more than fine tonight. Wearing that black suit and tie showed his gorgeous features. The strong, squared with jaw-line face he has, that lean sturdy built, that ash brown hair and icy blue all reflected perfectly in his attire. "You look really handsome tonight." Something I always forget to emphasize ever since. He smiles ever so sweetly.

"Thank you. I have to give it justice to match such beauty." I bite my lower lip as he makes another move. "Shall we?" He offers his arm for me to cling and I take it without hesitation. I am speechless to see that we are riding a white Dodge Challenger. This baby will bring us to Westbrook Planetarium where the ball is to take place.

It wasn't too long when we arrive the building. But before you see yourself at the party, a wide stairs will shock you first. Two-storey high to be exact. Stairs that were made of marbles, all shiny and Ivory white. I have to say, I sweat a little just by looking at it. It took us over a minute to set foot on the main function room.

The place is magnificent. The layered chandeliers hang like stars in the sky. It has a white interior with glittering red motif. The tables wore shiny, black fabric. Everything just seems expensive and surreal.

The opening remark is said beautifully by a woman in her forties. She is wearing a gold, princess-cut gown that emphasized her gifted hips. And that same woman continues to host the event, announcing lady doctors after lady doctors grabbing the most awards. However, the recipient of the most important award of the night is Nathaniel's father as physician of the year.

The night turns into a baloney for some and others show extreme negative testosterone expressions. I just kept smiling and nodding to people I don't even know, almost certainly from too much disappointment on the house. It goes on and on that it is starting to bore me. After being so attentive on the program, finally Nate approaches my table and asks, "Can I have this dance?"

I stretch out my spine from slouching a while. "I thought you wouldn't ask."

You Got What I Need by Joshua Radin is playing on the background. Nate pulls me closer to him as we dance slowly through the music. He presses his lips on my shoulder and then to my ear. "I want to dance with you like this forever."

I smile even if I can't see his expression. "You can if you want to." I whisper in his ear as we sweetly take on the dance floor.

"I miss this, babe." He reminds me of who we are as a couple and all our good memories come rushing like wildfire in my mind.

"Me too." I whisper.

"Nathaniel..." His dad suddenly interrupts. Norien has the same icy blue eyes as Nate. They are more like brothers when you look at them the first time.

"Hey, dad. Congratulations! I'm so proud of you." He approaches his father to hug him.

"Hello, Mr. Miller. It's nice to see you again." I make my presence known. It has been a while since the last time I saw him.

"Hi, Airie! You look beautiful as always." Norien kisses my cheek and I hug him in exchange. "Airie, if you don't mind. I have to borrow my son for a while and introduce him to my colleagues." Nate throws an argument with me through his eyes. He wants me to save him from his dad which is impossible. I know he does not want to go with his father and leave me alone, but then again he follows him.

It's difficult to refuse Norien whenever he asks.

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