31 • genius, ryan

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{ryan's pov}

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{ryan's pov}

after a band rehearsal at brendon's, jon pulls me aside for a moment. "i got some news."

"ooooh" i started "spill it" i honestly sounded like a middle school girl. jon smiled.

"spencer and i are going on our first date, thanks to your plan!" my eyes lit up.

"that's great jon! have fun... but not too much" i winked at the last part.

"like you've never had too much fun" i playfully punched his arm and he laughed.

"but seriously, have fun!" he smiled and pranced out the front door to meet spencer. i smiled. i got the two together! time to tell brendon. i ran into brendon's room. "hey brendon, jon and spencer are together!" he had the same reaction as i did.

"really? that's great for the two of them." he smiled. "also, pete said we need to have our album done in like... a month." shit.

"oh fuck. the album. should we write some songs now?" i asked. "how many more do we need?"

"we need to have 13 tracks. we have made 7 so far." brendon explained.

"well shit!" i yelled. this was already overwhelming. brendon scooted closer to the edge of the bed i was sitting on.

"we can work on some stuff if you want. i know, it's hard working at this pace. we can do it." brendon whispered in my ear. i started to calm down just by hear brendon's soothing voice.

"well... i've had an idea for awhile, but i don't know if we can pull it off" i shrugged. brendon, however, was intrigued. he wanted to hear more about my idea. "well it's like the record is like a broadcast station. a small introduction to the album, a few songs are played. an intermission, and the rest of the tracks are played after that."

"ryan... that can be two tracks right there. that's genius baby." brendon pecked my cheek, spreading a shade of ruby across my face. i smiled at his support. god, i love this boy a lot.

so we started writing the introduction and the intermission. "we should give it a staticky sound, and have two radio personalities. the first one speaks in a foreign language, like german or polish. the second will present our album in english, going straight into martyrdom."

"do you even know any foreign languages?" brendon laughed. i say a sentence in polish. "ross, ever since we've met, you've been full of surprises. that's what i love about you." i place my hands on his cheeks and plant a kiss on his soft, plump lips.

"i love you too brenny. you're so talented in many ways." we go back to exchanging ideas for the second track, the intermission. "so the broadcast will fail, and we can maybe have a different type of a music play in the place of it."

"from electro dance to maybe like classical piano?" brendon suggests. i smile.

"that can work baby." brendon smiles and smashes his lips onto mine.


{500 words}

kinda a filler but at least i got joncer together

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