11 • operation adios kenny

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{ryan's pov}

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{ryan's pov}

my "get out of gym" card has expired and now i have to deal with kenny during gym and lunch. he now regularly sits with us, we're trying to figure out how to get rid of the prick.

what brendon and i have so far is skipping lunch daily. that's about it. it might work. or we can sit at a different table. spencer is in a different lunch period sadly, so he can't really help us.

brendon and i walk out of music class, and we sneak out through that one abandoned corridor. hopefully this plan will give kenny the hint that he isn't really welcome at our table. i kinda feel bad about it but i feel like i shouldn't, after what he's done to me. we decide to go to chipotle, since it's like 2 minutes from the school.

as we sit down to eat, we end up discussing more plans to get rid of kenny. "maybe we can straight up tell him," brendon suggests "he probably knows he did you wrong and is trying to redeem himself, which he happens to be failing miserably at."

<time skip brought 2 u by taco bell + nyquil>

today, we decide to actually stay at school for lunch. brendon and i sit down at our table and we wait to see if kenny ends up sitting at the table. i eat an apple off my tray and we have some small talk for awhile. after waiting a few minutes, we saw kenny heading towards our table. "well guess who finally decided to actually sit at the lunch table!" he said with the fakest enthusiasm i've heard. ugh, i hated him.

"hey," i responded quietly, "we did decided to sit here today." the school food tasted blander as minutes passed.

brendon and i kinda stayed silent for awhile, until kenny decided to open his mouth again. "am i not welcome at 'your' table? cause you guys seem pretty shitty." brendon's expression melted into fury.

that's when brendon decided to turn the tables. "then stop being an annoying ass bitch kenny." he gave kenny one of the fakest smiles he's seen. he pouted and knocked the apple that was on my tray to the ground.

as i picked up my apple, brendon said "i'm glad he got the hint." i kinda got irritated at that.

"brendon. kenny is the only person besides you that knows i'm gay. we were supposed to try to pretend to be nice to him." i explained, getting a little paranoid. brendon squeezes my hand and says "everything will be just fine." and smiles.

<time skip brought to you by cheese whiz>

i was sitting in my room, deeply thinking about the kenny situation when my phone buzzed.

unknown: let's make a deal ryan
ryan: who tf are you
unknown: the only one who knows your secret ;)

even though this person — kenny — doesn't know brendon knows, he just played along anyway.

ryan: kenny.
kenny: you guessed it.
ryan: what do you want
kenny: let's make a deal. you give me a better make out session then you did at the night of the party or i'll expose you. you have two weeks to give me your final decision.

kenny is blackmailing me. i can't kiss him. i don't love him. even if i did, i couldn't.

i think i'm in love with brendon urie.


{548 words}

the tea is spilling now


hope you enjoyed the gif at the top ;)

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