23 • hallelujah!

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why is ryan's makeup better than mine will ever be lmao

why is ryan's makeup better than mine will ever be lmao

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{ryan's pov}

neither brendon nor i have seen kenny since we went to the police station that night. i haven't gotten my phone back from the police yet, but the case is still under investigation. it's been 3 days since. but i'm happy as long as kenny isn't up my ass with drama.

jon, spencer, and i are at brendon's to try out some new stuff. "so guys, i kinda finished up some songs that have taken months to write. the two songs are called camisado and lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off."

they seemed to like the lyrical content. "why the fuck did you write a song about sex?" spencer randomly blurted. i see jon blush out of the corner of my eye. i laughed lightly, as he was wrong about what it's about to me.

"spencer, it's kinda about my ex who cheated on me before i came here. he was having affairs with other people and it left me heartbroken at the time... i'm over it now but when i first started writing it i wasn't." i justified.

"damn, it takes forever to write a song." jon said.

"well it was just me, and nobody to bounce ideas on so yeah, but it's gotten easier." i explained. "so should we try them out?"

i showed the boys the melody i was thinking of for each song and we bounced ideas for guitar riffs to the drum rhythms. after discussing each song for awhile, we experimented with the sounds for what it would sound like.

"did anyone hear about pete wentz's record label?" spencer asked. "he probably doesn't have many clients for how new it is... what if we try to get signed by him?"

"that's great!" brendon said. "it'd be cool to be travel and tour and see new things!" he's really enthusiastic about this.

"then what songs should we record for him?" jon asked. "i was thinking maybe sins, camisado when we get it figured out, and time to dance."

"those could work" i mentioned. "we just need to practice camisado more, or we can give him the only difference instead."

everyone nodded. "we should record this stuff this week or something" brendon mentioned.

when we finished our practice, jon came up to me. "can i tell you something?"

"sure, let's go in the backyard." i took him into the backyard. "what's up?"

"so" jon started lowly, "i think i like spencer." i smiled.

"that's great bro! do you want me to try to find out if he feels the same?" jon shrugged.

"i don't know, but can you not tell brendon. he's kinda... you know..." jon explained, obviously trying not to offend me.

"loud? energetic?" i cut him off.

"yeah." i laughed.

"again, secret's safe with me." i take him back in the house. "have a nice night jon" i smiled.


{471 words}

we're getting some joncer up in hereee

also don't @ me on the songs they're recording bc idk what songs they first wrote but i'm too lazy to research that bc it's 1am rn

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