epilogue • in cape town

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{ryan's pov}

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{ryan's pov}

after being — what i thought was — love with brendon, i couldn't handle being in the same room as brendon without breaking down. it was for the best when i decided to leave. jon felt like he needed to help me with what was going on, so we made our own band with a few other people.

after leaving panic!, everything was fine and dandy until i got something in the mail. a invitation to a wedding. not just any wedding, brendon fucking urie's wedding.

i thought i would've been dead to him, since i left the band in a petty manner. over a petty breakup. wow, i'm pathetic.

but the thing is; do i go, or do i just ignore it?

i could call up z, she might know what to do about this. or i can just call brendon, though that may be awkward as fuck for both of us. texting might be easier.

ryan: hey brendon, i got the invitation to your wedding.

i don't really expect to hear back from him. instead of being an actual adult, i resort to hiding out in my house, cursing myself for even texting my ex lover.

memories from us being together hit me like a relapse. everything poured into my mind; from the time i first saw him, when he confessed his love for me, to the last time i saw him. all the dates we went on to every fight we had. everything.

i felt my phone buzz, which happily took me out of a relapse of memories. speak of the devil, it was brendon.

brendon: hey ryan. i know we're not close anymore, but it would be nice to see you again.

ryan: how have you been?

it seems like a good time to catch up, it's been years since i've seen brendon. i truly did miss the way he made me feel, the way his lips felt against mine, the way he touched me.

brendon: well i'm getting married soon. i guess stressed but also thrilled?

ouch, he's moved on. given that he's getting married, definitely moved on from me. that hurts. as a teenager, i thought i'd be with him forever, living happily ever after. i guess reality likes to fuck with our fantasies.

ryan: well i guess that's good for you.

i left it at that. i don't know what to feel.


{397 words}

this epilogue is terrible and i don't really know how to end it. welp that's the end.

thank you everyone who read, voted, and commented!! love you guys!! ❤️

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