41 • home sweet home?

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{ryan's pov}

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{ryan's pov}

"this album turned out better than expected." i said, packing some things up that were set up in my room.

"agreed," brendon started. "especially since we were high the majority of the time." i laughed and pecked his cheek.

brendon grabbed a few of the boxes and helped me carry them to my car. i walked into my mostly empty room, reliving everything from that room. My love for music sprouting, my first songs were written here. i take a deep breath as i walk through this house full of memories. now it's time to say goodbye to it, i'm moving on with my life.

i walk back outside to see brendon in the driver's seat of my car. why is he gonna drive my car? i shrug it off, getting into the passenger seat. he laced his fingers with mine, giving me a smile. i don't know where brendon is taking me... maybe to his house? i sit back in the seat and look out the window, as we pull out of the driveway of my now former home.

brendon is constantly turning left and right. i'm starting to believe he got us lost.

"are we lost brenny?" i ask. he denies it, which i cock an eyebrow to. "you sure?"

"ryan, we aren't lost. i know how to get there." he had a defensive tone, i decide to mess with him.

"well you keep turning every two seconds, like that doesn't sound like lost to me." brendon pulls the car over.

"listen here george." he starts. i shiver at the name. "i know where we're going, you don't."

"we're going to the n—"

"i could drop you and all of your stuff back at your old house mister. again, i know where we're going, not you." he interrupted, coming off as rude.

i shrug and look out the window as he gets back onto the road. a tear escapes from my eye; brendon doesn't notice.

we eventually get to the small house brendon bought for us. 37 augusta street. at this point, i'm not really sure if this was a good idea after all. i sigh and get out of the car, grabbing some boxes.

after bringing my stuff into the house, i lock myself into the bathroom. i let the tears that were bottled up fall. i silently sob, rethinking the drive here. how brendon raised his voice at me, threatened to leave me; it's all my fault. i've been a shitty person, i deserve to be rotting in the ground.

after crying in the bathroom for awhile, i finally go to the living room, where brendon is watching tv. i silently sit beside him and fidget with my hands. there was an awkward silence between the silence, until i spoke up.

"bren, about what happened in the car."

"what do you mean what happened? you decided to believe we were lost" brendon spoke with an irritated tone.

"well if you're turning every two seconds it kinda seems like—" i tried to defend myself.

"i don't care what it seems like!" he stood up, facing me. "we got to the damn house and that's what matters!" he raised his voice.

i stood up, grabbing my car keys. "i can't believe we're fighting over this shit! over something that's so stupid!" i yelled.

i stormed out of the house, brendon following me. "where the hell are you going? i paid for this house for us and you're just gonna run off?"

"i'm sorry brendon," i almost choked on my tears. "i'm gonna need some space tonight."

i got in my car and drove off. i didn't know where i was going, but i needed to get away. i needed to go to spencer's.

i eventually found my way out of the neighborhood, and was on my way to spencer's. i knocked on the door, behind revealed a disheveled spencer.

"it's one in the morning, why the fu—"

"brendon and i got in an argument" i choked out.


{669 words}

this book will be coming to an end soon, somewhere within the next 5 chapters or so...

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