47 • i left you

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{ryan's pov}

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{ryan's pov}

"i'm going for a walk in the city brenny," i said, smiling, "would you like to join?"

he looked up at me with connotations of confusion and indifference. i saw his shoulders shrug as he spat out, "nah, i'll stay here. have fun."

i waved slightly — biting the inside of my cheek — and walked out the hotel room. my smile returned as soon as i sat in the rental car. i drove around, hoping to find an interesting place around here.

after driving around for what felt like and hour, i chose to hang out in an ice cream shop. it feels weird going places without brendon.

a shout of my name took me out of my thoughts. i look around to see a few teenage girls smiling and waving. talking to people is definitely not my strong suit, so i tried to not make myself look like a mess. i smiled and greeted them back.

i got questions like "ryan, where's the rest of the band?" and "are you and brendon dating?" from these girls, which i have accepted the fact that people are gonna continue constantly interrogating brendon and i.

i give them the same bullshit answer of "no, we're not dating. just friends." that shooed them off. i decide to text brendon about my fans recognizing me.

ryan: some fans asked about our relationship again. i gave the same answer we've given everyone for the past couple years.

usually, i get a response almost immediately. however this time, he doesn't respond after ten minutes. he hasn't even read it. i send brendon another message, maybe he didn't see the first one.

ryan: did you get my last text or are you just not near your phone?

he doesn't respond again. i start to feel a wave of anxiety wash over me. i take a couple of deep breathes. maybe he's not near his phone... i'll chill out for 15 minutes.

the beach is nearby, it might calm me. i walk along the tide, waves crashing against my legs. my daze had been interrupted by a man who was running toward his girlfriend, who had washed up on shore. from a distance, the brunette girl looked pale and dead. this is probably my cue to leave.

i was making my way back to the hotel room. i stopped by the hotel's convenient store to grab a candy bar for brendon.

as i was walking down the corridor that our room was on, i could hear a couple who seemed to be having some fun. moans could be faintly heard from the room, whichever room it was, i don't want to know.

i made it to my door. i grab my key from my back pocket, swipe it, and step in. i figured out where the fun was coming from.

i was met with a thin dirty blonde chick on top of brendon. both of them were naked. they stopped as soon as the door clicked. i could not believe what i saw, my jaw dropped.

"brendon! why?" i cried; my tears were a waterfall continuously rushing down my red cheeks.

brendon got up out of the bed, pushing the blonde aside. i noticed he had a hard-on, is he all of a sudden into women now? am i not good enough for him?

he didn't have words, i just sat there and cried. i looked over at the blonde girl, who was dressing frantically.

"brendon? am i not good enough for you? are you not telling me something?" i didn't know how to react.

"ryan, i've been meaning to tell you this. i think i'm bi, and i like women more. it's not you babe, not at all." he tried to grab my hand, but i took it from his grasp.

"don't call me 'babe', i'm fucking done!" i shouted. brendon stormed off.

i didn't go after him, why would i? i realized his girl or whatever was still in the room. she saw everything.

"ryan? is that your name?" she asked. what does she want?

"yeah, why do you need to know?" i snap.

she flinches a little, and then speaks. "i'm really sorry for what happened. i met him in the lobby and he never mentioned a boyfriend." she hugs me.

i hug her in return, she may not be as bad as i thought.

"i should probably introduce myself. i'm elizabeth, but call me z." she scribbles on the hotel memo pad. "here's my number, if you need anything feel free to call or text me."

i smiled. "thank you, z" i hugged her, she'll be the only one i can hug for a while.


{781 words}

i'm sorry that i'm ending it like this, i'm making an epilogue for this and that will be the last update of the story. also i was busy yesterday and forgot to update

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