33. Keep your friends close

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"Befriending the enemy." Will thought out loud in the silence, "Weren't you doing that too, Zane?"

Will covered his mouth looking shocked at what just came out. "Sorry..." He said to Zane.

Everyone's eyes were wide trying to process the new information, but not as wide as Zane's.

He looked down in shame and annoyance before he glanced at me. I was petrified in confusion but I still managed to get up to Lewis's side of the couch.

I can't believe that he pretended to be my friend, as if I was the one lying. Did he ever stop, or does he still see me as the enemy?

"Zane." Whined Cleo.
"How can be so mean." Criticized Bella.

"I thought we were finally getting along. I told you everything I know, even got Will a job at the science center." Caleb sounded betrayed. In my mind I felt my heart lighten thinking it's just a misunderstanding on my part.
"Did you just made that 'girl trouble' excuse just so-".

"Caleb! Shut up, this has nothing to do with you." Zane cut Caleb's rant short.

"Well? Explain." Said Rikki coolly, knowing perfectlywho this is about. But I think it's obvious to everyone.

"Reina, I'm so sorry I wrong!" Zane cried out in desperation, bending foward making eye contact with me.

But I just stood there humiliated. Not one, but two "friends" lied straight to my face. And I was so blind and oblivious.

Lewis leaned in closer to whisper, "You're not the first to have really bad judgement here.." He said sympathetically, although I'm not sure how that would make me feel better.

Zane sighed heavily as he leaned back before he spoke. "I told Will, in private, that I didn't really like how you girls just accepted Reina without question. So I thought that if I can keep a closer eye on her then I can still have your back. I just wanted you to trust me again."

"We can take care of ourselves. You don't have to be the hero." Rikki said defensively.

"Is that why you gave her a job at the café and your guest bedroom? To spy on her?" Bella asked in disbelief.

"I-" Zane shook his head.

It was obvious he was panicking by his uneven breathing, long stares to the floor, and rubbing his sweating palms together.

Will, Caleb, Lewis, and I continued to look on quietly while Zane was getting glares.

"What do you mean by accepting her without question. She was a mermaid that needed help, isn't that enough?" Cleo said calmly after the criticisms.

I gulped, scared and eager to know his answer.

Zane finally look up at her. "The Cleo I used to know would always think before she acted. She would think ahead about how things would affect her and others. Now it's just instinct."

He was more eloquent now that he had time to think. He turn his gaze at Lewis next to me. "And the Lewis I knew was always questioning everything, see the situation clearly and plan your actions accordingly. Now it's whatever Cleo says goes."

At the beginning Lewis and Cleo's eyebrows were furrowed from anger but as he went along they looked in a way ashamed. They exchanged looks before Cleo spoke her mind.

"It's not a lie. Back when I wasn't a mermaid, I couldn't even say hi to Rikki when she first moved here. And Lewis would always have side projects to help us with mermaid problems." Cleo shrugged.

Bella looked shocked at Cleo's sudden change of heart, "You're supposed to be on our side." She whispered.

I got up because I don't want to hear it anymore.

As I was about to step on the 4th step of the staircase behind the couch, I felt a cold hand grab my arm, "Reina, where are you going?" Asked Zane.

I just turned back and continued walking, pulling away from him.
"I've been humiliated enough for the night."

"Wait!" He called out. I stopped at the landing overlooking the kitchen and living room. "Can the rest of you go home?" He asked.

"Umm, it's a sleepover. We're staying." Rikki said.

"Fine then go to the backyard. Give us some privacy, will you?" Zane continued his way to me.

I heard different conversations starting on the walk to the backyard.

"Do you think we've changed too much?" Cleo asked
"Yeah. But for the better." Lewis responded, holding her close.

"How can you not tell us this sooner." Bella complained.
"It was supposed to be a secret. No one was supposed to know." Will said sincerely.

"Who is this girl Zane has 'trouble' with?" Rikki asked curiously.
"I don't know, some girl named Annie."

I looked up after I heard the door shut. I saw Zane slide down the rail closer to me but got I back.

"You won't have to do any extra work by spying me. I'll move out and get another job." I said in a mature tone as I was about to turn the doorknob to my room.

"But I don't want you to go." He plainly said.

"Zane! I have nothing to hide. You're cover's been blown. Why are you still pretending you care!" I let my frustration take over me.

I was on the verge of crying. And to think that I actually liked him. How could I let my heart skip a beat for... this liar.

"I do. I do care." He said closing his eyes.

"Then answer me this, did you ever stop seeing me as the enemy? Do you still?" I asked him.

"I don't anymore." He said walking closer to me, "That night you got kidnapped. I looked everywhere for you, I was terrified that I would never find you. Why would I spend hours looking for someone I don't like."

He grabbed hold of my hands, "When you finally got home, I've realized that my feeling for you changed."

Took in this information thinking that my heart could not be any happier that he told the truth it wanted to hear. But my brain was still mad at him for lying to in the beginning.

I shaken out my thoughts when he grabbed my face and pulled it in closer to his.

When our lips touched, I was surprised that I didn't squirm because I knew deep down I also wanted this. I was so happy to know that this wasn't pretend.

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