31. Trust fall

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"Which are?" I asked.

He then sighed heavily, "A couple of years ago, there was a shipwreck that had some valuable artifact. The people who lost it were so desperate that they set a reward for whoever found it." Zane revealed.

I put up my hand to stop him from speaking some more.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I told Rikki about the reward money.We needed help to get it back, so she then told Cleo and Emma about the artifact being loss." He continued completely ignoring my comment.
"We kept the reward money part to ourselves because Rikki needed the money and didn't want to share." He continued,  "When the girls found out about the money, they stopped helping because they thought that only Rikki and I would get 50/50. Because of that Rikki got hurt trying to finish the job without their help." He looked upset thinking back on it.

His voice sounded angry, desperate, husky from whispers.

"Okay? I'm sorry that happen, but why did you let Caleb lie to our friends?" I asked again.

He continued keeping his eyes locked on mine.

"I was telling you this because I've learned  that no matter your how good your intentions are, if others don't understand your actions, then they won't help."Zane explained.
"And that could only lead to hurting-"

"- The people you love." I said.

"- You." He said

We gasped and looked away. I awkwardly step back. I shouldn't have interrupted, now it seems like what he said means the same thing I said.
Like he loves me.

Ugh, what am I thinking! That doesn't mean he actually said it.

I looked up and saw that he was also in his own world like me. But why hasn't he corrected him, n-not that there is anything to correct.

"I m-mean 'love' as in people you're close to." When I started to explain myself with a flushed face.

Luckily it was dark and the only light source is behind me.

Zane turn his face to look back at me, looking at me attentively.
"Right." He added

"People you care about." I continued.

He kept on looking at me, moving in closer, "Yeah."

"L-like people you want to protect."

"Exactly. You." He said flustered, standing less than a foot away.

This awkward silence of us staring at each other made me forget what we were talking about before. I just feel a faded annoyance and anger.

We kept quiet and close for what felt like an eternity, until Will's footsteps filled the air as he came down the Sandy steps.

"Oh there you guys are! Did I interrupted something, by any chance?" He said from the last step.

"Actually, yes -" Zane tried to answer.  Still looking at me.

"No! nothing." I said rather loudly breaking off the our staring contest. "Don't worry about it," I to Will as walked up the steps, "Let's go."

When we got back to the bigger room below the mouth the volcano, everyone were talking amongst themselves.

Cleo and Lewis were whispering privately by the moonpool while Bella and Caleb argued quietly about the new changes involving Will.

"Reina, you never told us your thoughts," Will said finally bringing everyone back around, "You were mostly quiet."

"I..." I had to think back before it got awkward with me and Zane. He deliberately allowed Caleb to lie to our friends and lead them to believe that he's got their backs no matter what. On top of that Zane seem convinced that it was the right choice to do for some reason. 

"I don't know." I replied quietly. I looked at Bella's face lit with hope that someone might actually stop this madness before it begins. I then looked Caleb whom glanced carefully at Zane.

Zane, on the hand, had a look that seemed to be pleading with me. His brown eyes were burning holes into me as if sending a telepathic message, 'come on! Help me out. Just this once!'. 

His furrowed brows lighten up when I added my support for the change of plans.


"I'm trusting you." Reina said to everyone but mostly to Zane. Will looked at Bella, who's frown was starting to get even more worried.

Bella then stormed out of the cave, followed by her boyfriend. Cleo wanted to check on her as well but Lewis stopped her.

Outside, along the slippery rock above the hideout, Will finally caught up with her after trying to run quickly up the steep incline and falling, getting him a cut on his knee.

But that didn't matter. For him, he just wanted to assure Bella that this isn't a mistake.

"Bella!! Ugh, Wait a second!" He called out as she made a glass slope that carried her to the trees. She stopped with her back to him, further down into the jungle.

"Bella, come on." Will said, turning her around. She looked down at first and then straight into his eyes with anger and frustration showing in her face.
He paused before asking "Talk to me. I get you're scared but why don't you just let me help you."

She stopped looking so tense as she sighed heavily. She let go her crossed arms, turned around to walk slowly some more.

Will followed her silently to the beach, allowing her to gather her thoughts.

"I just hoped that you would at least think about it for a day at least." She finally said.

"Why? There is nothing to think about." Will assured her.

"But what if you regret it. What if you you fall in to do and get caught! Then government people from all over are going to be after you."

"You're overreacting, Bella." Will said cautiously walking towards her. "It's not like it I'll be spying the FBI."

"But what if they want to get rid of you so they can use the Dr. Denman research about us without interfere."

"Nothing you can say will scare me away. I'm tough and smart, I can take care of myself. Besides I've got Caleb to back me up if anything does happen."

"Oh, I know you can take care of yourself." She turned to hug him, "But I just don't  think I could handle the guilt of anything did happen." She said with her face up against her chest.

He stood there, hugging and patting her head to calm her. "How about we get out of her. It's been a long day and it's alot to process."

"Ok. Let's go back and get Lewis's - " Bella was interrupted by keys jingling, dangling from Will's finger.

They chuckled as they went along with their plan to leave everyone stranded on island to make their gateway.

Once Lewis found out Will's scheme of stealing his keys, he had to wait for Zane and Caleb to want to go home so that he can catch a ride with them.

It wasn't until very late that the guys left by boat while Cleo, Reina,  and Rikki swam all the away back to shore.

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