13. New friends

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"Elliot accidentally found me laying on some rocks by some caves" Emma said, closing her eyes, nervous about what the other might say.

"You were taking a nap in public with your tail out? Seriously?" Lewis asked.

"Wait, I'm confused. I thought you were the responsible one of the group." Bella sarcastically said.

"Emma, how could you be so reckless." Cleo whined in disappointed tone.

Emma just twiddled with her fingers, "That place was really dangerous to be walking around. I didn't think that people would be there." She defend herself.

"Whatever. What's done is done." Rikki said, "it's fine. Really Emma." She comfort her friend.

"Right. If it wasn't for you, Elliot would have never saved me and we would all be in trouble." I mentioned.

Everyone agreed.

"Did you tell your brother about them?" Zane asked, pointing at Rikki and Cleo. Everyone was nervous to hear the answer, but had a feeling of what it was.

"I'm sorry. I had to tell him. I-I finally had someone to be honest with. I have always hated lying to him.
Besides he already suspected something weird about us. I'm surprised Kim hasn't said anything.
He promised me that he would help me protect my secret...and he already proven that. Right?" She blurted out through the screen.

I can tell Rikki and Cleo were upset, that wasn't just her secret. But you really can't be confused as to why she did what she did.

Being dishonest to her family might have been easier here, with them, because at least she doesn't have to lie to her friends. But now she has no friends like that.

Rikki and Cleo looked at each other, thinking of what they should say next.

In the end they forgave her, but not with blessing of Zane, of course.

We changed the topic to lighter things. The old friends reconnected and new friends were accepted.

All in all, it was a good introduction. It was great to see the other side of Lewis, Cleo,Rikki, and even Zane when it came to catching up with Emma.

"Alright. I think that's enough chit chat for today" Emma said.

After some time of talking, Zane and Will starting to play some video games. But now appear to be sleeping on the sofa.

I looked down on my watch "Wow, it's 11:20."

Everyone were overlapping their goodbyes:
"Bella, Will, and Reina I wish all luck... dealing with these people. You're going to need." Emma encouraged.
"Trust me, we got this under control" Bella responded patting my shoulders in the processes. I just nodded in agreement.
"It was nice to catch up" Lewis said.
"We miss Emma" Rikki said.
"Love you. I'll call you. Bye." Cleo said, concluding our call.

I got up from seat to wake up the guys and as soon as I tapped Will's shoulders, we all heard a loud knock.

We all stood there frozen, until Will woke up from the second knocking.

"Mmm, I'll go check." He said half asleep.

While waiting, we were talking amongst ourselves, wondering out loud who that could be.

After some time, Will came back. "Reina. Some guy is looking for you." I gave him a confused look.

"Who??" I asked in a whispered. It took my a while who it could be.

"He said he was Caleb Reese." Will, along with everyone else, were questioning why a guy would come here to meet with in such a late hour.

Rikki finally spoke up, she remembered the promise I had once made. "Hey, i thought we agreed to stay away from him. We can't risk it."

"I did do what you asked. He still came up to me anyways and even invited me out." I said slightly smiling.

"Whatever. Just get rid of him." Rikki added, closing the laptop and making her way to me.

"No" I protested, "I mean, why? Why can't i stay a bit longer and talk? I can take care of myself."

Rikki made an upset face. "I don't want you to get near the wrong people." She said.

"Wrong people" I scoffed. "You mean humans who don't know about us."

"...Yes" she said looking offended that I questioned her reasoning.

"At that rate I'll have no real friends though." Now i know i messed up.

"We are your friends" Bella spoke up.

"I know. I-it's - just - I feel like the only reason why you want us to be close is so that you can keep an eye on me, make sure that I don't say something." I sighed.

"You think this is easy for us?" Rikki said indictating everyone else in the room. "We have to keep our little 'social circle' small. We have lost so many opportunities to make new friends, but we know what's at stake..." She sighed "Listen, I'm sure that we are all glad that you came along. Not because you're a mermaid but because you're a new friend. Something we don't get to often." She finally said reaching my shoulders and pulling me in for a hug.

"Ok" I said breaking free," I get. I'll go get rid of Caleb." I said in a somewhat sad voice.

I left the room in awkward silence and went over to Caleb who was looking over the water in one of tables.

"Hey" I said tapping his shoulder, bringing him back from his little staring contest with the moonlight reflection on the water.

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