23. Nightmare

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The last thing I remember was falling asleep on Cleo's lap on the couch after we came home from the cafe.

I frantically sat up after remembering Dr. Denman forcibly took scales from my tail and my blood.

I looked around and found none other than Caleb, the guy who brought me to the very same person who wants to kill me. He thought that a friendly smile from across the couch can fix everything? Well, that's his mistake.

I jumped up and tackled him down. We landed on the floor nearly knocking over the vase on the coffee table. 

I was obviously not in the right mind. I was just so angry at him!  

I just sat on top of him, hands on his shoulders not breaking eye contact. I don't know what to do next, I've never been in a fight.

Besides, I wasn't entirely angry at him. I was angry at myself too, for being so stupid.

I got back on the sofa, my face buried in my hands. I heard feet and voices clamouring at right side of the living room, as Caleb laid frozen on the ground to the left of me.

"What is he  doing here?!" I finally said after calming my anger.

I stood up facing my back towards Caleb, "Do you guys even know who he is?!"

"Reina, I-I came to apologize." He stuttered getting back on his feet but not moving any closer to me. Smart.

"Besides, he already explained." Bella said.

"It was all Linda's fault. I swear." He continued.

"So you two are in first name bases?" I teased as I turned to him.

" Look. I have to work with her so my dad can see that I can become a businessman like him."

"And I was just collateral damage, is that it?" I yelled in anger.

"What? No, no, you were never supposed get hurt. She and I  made a deal; I was supposed to give her a green light if you ever gave me any reason to believe that you...weren't human" Caleb trailed off.

I was in disbelief, my mouth open in shock. I looked behind me and saw  everyone looking as if our conversation was from a drama.

"But Linda got a bit impatient and just want to get started on collecting information." He continued.

"'Collecting information'. I am not some school project, Caleb. Did you ever explained it to her?"

"Of course I did. But she had evidence saying that you girls were mermaids. That theory is so wrong and I obviously regret it. But I can't just quit working with her."

That was an unacceptable answer. If all he was going to say 'sorry, but I can't do anything about, though', then why come at all.

"Just go." I calmly said walking to the stairs to my room.

"No, stay. Both of you." Lewis said. All turning towards the foyer, looking back and forth between me on the stairs and Caleb by the door.

"Huh?" Caleb uttered.

"Why? I don't want to be near him anymore." I said in a defeated voice.

We both went to our previous positions but this time I put Bella and Lewis between us.

"We want to make you a deal; we'll forget everything that happened last night-" Will continued.

"What?! That's not your decision to make!" I angrily yelled.

Both Bella and Lewis were trying to keep the peace.

"Trust us, we know what we are doing." Bella went on.

"If...If you keep Dr.Denman away from us. No more researching." Will shakingly said.

"Why would I do that. If you really don't have anything to hide then what's the problem?" Caleb said with a unconcerned tone.

"The truth is..." Cleo started.

Oh no, they're making a huge mistake.

"Denman's theory isn't wrong." She continued to perform her Magic by lifting the water from the vase, keeping it's shape and flowers.

Before I can stop them from doing more, Bella stepped up and made the floating water into jelly.

I looked over to Caleb and saw him shocked sitting down on the sofa, not losing eye contact with the magic.

Finally, Rikki ended by drying up the levitating flowers.

"Are you all mutans!?" He finally asked after wrapping his mind around it.

"M-Mutans? They're not blue German demons." I said

"Which mutan is that?" I heard Will ask Lewis in hushed voice but Lewis just waved him off.

"Are you really mermaids?"He blurted, "but Linda just got the wrong girl... is that it?"

"No." I gulped, making my way closer to him,"If you take this deal, I'll forgive you, since my forgiveness is the one that counts." I trailed off. " Please protect our secret."

I turned to Cleo and nodded, signalling her to wet me so that I can expose myself.

She turned the vase-shaped water into a tentacle and drenched me.

After a few seconds I landed on my back. I felt Caleb kneel down and pet my scales.

I propped myself up to check his reaction but my focus was lost when he accidentally passed his hand through where Denman forcibly took my scales.

After a while, it was still sore since I needed to be in my mermaid form for it to heal.

His face was getting uncomfortable when he realized  what he was seeing.

Knock knock

Someone was at the door. Zane, who was closest to the door check the peephole.

"It's Nate." He turned around to whisper.

"Quick, Rikki. Dry me up." I urged her but she didn't move.

"How about we let Caleb handle this." She said a emotionless face, she obviously had a smirked,though.

Caleb jerked up at the thought of what was asked of him.  He looked nervously around and after a moment to think made his way to the door.

He didn't say anything or looked at me.

My heart was beating so fast that that was all I can hear over the criticisms  and disapproval Rikki was getting. But just like me and Caleb, she was so lost in her train of thoughts she forgot to listen or talk.

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