21. Bite the bullet

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"What are we going to do then? Do we go to the hospital?" Cleo asked in worry and panic.

"No, what about Reina? We can't just leave her in the car like a dog?" Zane argued.

"What now? He doesn't want to go to the hospital, he even used Reina as an excuse." Bella noted.

"Cleo? I know that it's gross and scary but do you think you can take out the bullet?  Using your powers." Lewis calmly asked.

"Huh?" She made a confused face, "But I've never done anything like that."

"Sure you have! You dragged Hector through the pipes in your house." Bell kindly reminded her.

"I'm not even going to to asked." I whispered.

"But that's different. Completely different." She said in a small panicky voice.

"Cleo, its the same. You just have focus a bit more and stay calm. Just try it." I persuaded her.

She sighed heavily and finally agreed.

She went to Zane's side and began the process. She used his blood to push out the bullet.

It was both painful for Zane and me.

"Wha- why is she in pain?" Bella asked.

"She's an empath. She can feel everything." Lewis explained, rushing to my side. Soothing the pain away.

"Okay. I got the bullet out. He's bleeding alot! What do I do!?" Cleo panickly exclaimed.

"Here let me try something." Bella said.

In the middle of our whimpers and cries (mainly mine), Bella used her power to make the wound into gel, stopping the bleed.

At the same time, my tail had returned to normal, having some time to dry.

I finally sat up, with the help of Lewis. I dried my tears of pain.

"Are you both ok?" Cleo asked while bandageing up Zane's wound.

I only sighed heavily.

"Yeah, just felt like dying. You know, the usual" Zane joked followed by a hiss after Cleo made the final knot on the scarf she found nearby.

"Come on, let's go to home. We need to put on stitches. I can't keep your blood as jelly forever, you know." Bella added.

"Ok, I'll call the family doctor, I know he won't ask questions." Zane agreed.

The girls helped Zane up on his feet. Bella escorted Zane out the door to be by his wound so it won't be bleeding out.

Now matter what powers you have, you must always have concentration.

I took a while to sit up. Cleo had waited for me on the couch while the rest made their way to the car.

"Are you okay?" Cleo asked.

"No, I'm fine...Just feeling lightheaded."

"Do you have the energy to do something about the bodyguards?"

"Oh, crap." I whispered. "Is Bella's gel still holding them?"

"Yeah. She just needs to focus more one Zane right now, you know so the gel will only be on the outer layer and not spread too much." She explained while helping me up.
"But of course means, that we won't have much time left before they're free. So let's go." She urged on, pushing me out the door.

We stopped by the bodyguards. I made them follow their coworkers, got them obsessed with stopping the fire from consuming the tree outside. We  put the last guy, with heatstrokes outside in the shade.

I can already tell that he was getting better and just neended to sleep it off now.

When Cleo and I jumped in the back seat, I immediately tilt my head back, closed my eyes and slept for the whole car ride.

My little nap was cut short with Cleo tapping my shoulder.

"Hey, we're here."

"Mm? Oh, right. Gosh, I feel so lightheaded." I muttered.

"You can lay down inside." She added while pulling me out of the car.

As soon as I entered the house I immediately fell onto the long white 'L-shape' couch.

I closed my eye quickly, feeling exhausted from today's events.

I felt someone's cold hand put the covers,I had used last night, up to my shoulders.

The last thing I remember was one of the girls setting my head on the lap.


One by one they made their way inside. They looked on as their friend flopped onto the couch.

Zane knew that she needed a nap for sure, so naturally he grabbed the nearby blanket and covered her up.

He then went ahead to  the kitchen, followed closely behind by Bella, trying to stop the bleeding.

He took out his phone and dial in the number of Dr. Doyle, a family doctor.

After a few moments of talking, they finally after to meet.

Zane was at the end of the couch,watching tv. Next to him was Bella still trying to focus despite the cartoons' voices being too loud.

Lewis was constantly checking his watch wonder when the others will get here. Cleo was waiting and petting Reina's head, just like before.

After 20 minutes or so, there was knock on the door.

" I got it." said Lewis, jumping from the middle of the couch.

He expected to greet his friends but instead was face to face a man in his late 40's, white short hair and matching beard.

"Oh, Hello. Is Zane here? I'm Dr. Doyle.

Zane put up his hand to make Bella stop what she was doing. "Dotor! Come on in." He urged while making his way to the kitchen away from his his friends.

"What is the em-," he began to ask but there was no need because he saw what he was looking for,

"Oh my." He sighed, "what did you do!?" He asked in shock, grabbing Zane's arm to get a better look.

"Ah, it still hurts!" Zane hissed. "You said you wouldn't ask. Now, can you fix or not."

"Of course." Dr. Doyle trailed off.

He took out the sterilized needle, suture, and thread. He  didn't had the proper equipment to numb the wound but still wiped clean the wound and began the process.

The first couple of stitches were bearble. But the more the the skin got pierced, the louder the groans got from both Reina and Zane. 

Cleo was hushing her and rubbing her shoulder to calm her down and not gain any unwanted attention. 

After the stitching, Dr. Doyle wrapped his arm in gauze and gave him instructions on how to take care.

Dr. Doyle went to the front door but not before he went to check on the sleeping girl. "What's wrong with her? Does she need any medicine?" he asked setting his bag on the table in front of the sofa.

"Uhh...No, it's alright she just needs to sleep it off." Lewis answered.

"Well...Ok" he said and went on his way out. "Oh?" he said in a curious tone when he opened the door. "Caleb, what are you doing here?"

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