25. Comfort

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After our little meeting, we all ended up watching movies on the tv and eating popcorn. Surprisingly, Caleb also stayed for some reason.

The 2nd movie was about to end, the popcorn was long gone, and still waiting for Zane to come back.

It was already 7:30 and everyone was getting ready to leave.

I walked out Cleo, Lewis, Rikki, Will, and Bella. I assured them that I would tell Zane everything, that I'd be safe, have a goodnight - and so on.

I closed the door behind them and started making my way to upstairs for a "quick shower", well as fast as you can get with a tail.

And that's when I noticed Caleb back at the table overlooking the notes Lewis left in the kitchen.

"No offense but why aren't you leaving?" I asked, trying so hard to not to sound rude.

"Mm? Oh sorry," he said a bit distracted, "I'm just -".

"Scared." I added.

"Yeah, a little... Did you just used your mermaid powers?" He asked curiously.

"No, just human eyes." I said tapping near my eye. "So what's wrong?" I asked finally sitting down across from him.

"I don't know, this whole thing... I feel like I'll make a mess out of everything."

"Hey, I know that it seem like you'll do this alone, but you won't. We'll walk you through it." I shared, in hopes that it raised his heavy shoulders.

"But how. We're not even sure that she will actually go through with this. I mean, what if me asking to speak on her behalf only pushes her further, when all this time this plan was just a dream to come true in the far, far future." He was so busy speaking out his worries that he forgot to breath.

I stayed silent longer than I wanted.

He had real good points, and had to think about how to confront them.

"Well, This is actually a good thing." I finally said with a shaky voice, "You know, it's better sooner than later. We have you. Now." I subconsciously grabbed his hand, after I convinced myself of this reasoning.

"You have me? Now?" He stuttered in confusion.

"Yeah. We know we have someone to trust, right now, to stop Dr.Denman for good. So we won't have worry about her in the far future." I averted my eyes and pulled away, "Ehm, That's what I meant."

"Right." He said staring at me, waiting for eye contact.

"Well you should be going."

We both stood up and started walking toward the door. Halfway through he spoke again.

"You really know what to say." He added looking down blushing, "I'll try my best to stop her."

I open the door for him and added "That'll be great, Caleb."

"Also I just want to say that I'm sorry...about kidnapping you. That's not who I am, at all."

"It's okay. Just don't do it again or else." I teased as I did a quick magical motion with my hands.

We smiled stupidly and said our goodbyes. I then proceeded to the bathroom to take a shower.

The shower/bath was relaxing, something that I needed for a while.

By 8:50 I was out and changed into my pajamas, pink silk shorts from Candy and a big navy t-shirt from Zane.

"I really need my own clothes. All I've been surviving on are borrowed clothes."

I thought out loud as I went back downstairs, thinking I was alone until I saw Zane on the couch.

The TV was still off, but he wasn't sleeping. Instead he was sitting back staring at his empty screen ahead, arms limp by his side and his shoes seem to lazily taken off as one was by the table and the other by the door.

"Long day, huh?" I said as I placed both shoes neatly in the foyer.

All I got was a heavy sigh.

"So, what did they say. Is it that bad?" I continued my way to the kitchen looking for a quick snack.

I've been sleeping all day, I barley had anything to eat.

"Nah, the insurance got it covered but we won't have any outdoor seating for a while." He answered, putting his arm over his face.

"Then what's bothering you? Cheesestick?" I offered my listening ear and late night snack. Which he happily accepted.

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