11. Dreams

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As I made my way up the stairs to my room, i kept on trying to remember where I had heard the name Elliot.

I changed into the pajamas Candy gave me and climbed into bed after turning off the lights.

I looked up and saw shadows on ceiling formed by the moonlight outside.

"Elliot. Who are are you?" And with those final words I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

I found a big cave with it's own version of a moonpool. I went in one night at midnight to escape a boring,lonely, beach party.

At first, I just stuck my feet in. Once the moon  got higher, the water began to bubble and shine under the bright moonlight. I must admit, I was scared at first, but the water was just calling me. My curiosity got the best of me and so I jumped in.

I was expecting something, anything, to happen but when nothing did and the water became still, I got out and flopped to my back. Closed my eyes and waited to dry on the sand surrounding the moonpool.

When I got home, I  discovered that I was special. So I decided to go back, after I wasn't grounded anymore. I went to the same cave I was over a month ago.

I made sure no one was around to follow me into the cave. I went in to stick my feet in once again and right on cue my legs turned to a tail. I touched the scales to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

I guess I was too distracted that I didn't see them come in. 2 men in gear to inspect the cave.
One was a blonde kid, not that much younger than me. And another, a man with a big beard and bushy brown eyebrows. We stay there, looking, terrified of each other.

I was the first to make a move. I dragged my body out of the water, as if I was ready to run.

"Don't move!!" The man said with fear in his voice. He grabbed the kid's shoulder and whispered to keep an eye out, while he made a phone call outside of the cave to get a better signal.

I frozen. My new gift was now going to be scientific research. I was so mad at myself for being so careless. I began to cry, not caring if I showed any weakness.

"Hey, don't cry. I want to help you." The boy said, coming closer to hand me a towel. I snatched it away and began to quickly to dry myself off. I might actually have a chance now, but the towel was too small for my huge tail.

That was when the boy brought out another bigger towel from his backpack and began to help me.

"Why are you doing this? Do you think I'll trust you easily?" I asked in a stern but shaky voice.

"I genuinely want to help." He responded. Looked around to see if his partner was back, "I would help any mermaid, as if they were my own family."

After a few moments of silence, we finally managed to  bring back my legs. He stuff his towels back in his bag and grabbed my hands to help my up.

"So here's the plan. I'll distract Richard and you can make a run for it. If you want more help, then you can wait at the docks that way." He explained while grabbing ropes and other equipment for the distraction.

"Okay. I'll meet you there. Now, tell me what I should do to escape." I said

"Just wait for my signal." He responded.

I made my way to the opening to keep look out for Richard, I turned around to the boy asked "Hey kid. How old are you? You seem too young to go exploring the caves?"

While still working with the ropes he said "I'm 15. And this isn't work. I'm in a science program. By the way I have a name. I'm Elliot."

After I heard the name in my dream I immediately jump up. ¡¡I finally remembered something!!

I opened my door ran down the landing in front of me and happily ran to Zane' s room at 3am.

I quietly open the door, "Zane. Guess what!" I whispered.

"No~" was all I heard him groan.

"But I just had a dream" I replied, closing the door behind me.

"Then get a dream dictionary. Go away" he shuffled in bed, placing a pillow over his head to block out my voice.

"I think it was a memory, though," I said. He removed the pillow, letting me know that I wasn't talking to a wall. "Elliot. That kid saved me from being exposed in California. I remembered."

He shot up from where he was, exposing  plain red striped t-shirt. "What? Elliot saved you?" He asked in disbelief

"Yeah. He was very smart  coming up with a di-"

"You really are careless. Seriously, exposing yourself in 2 countries in a couple of months!?" He said criticizing me.

"Hey! I was alone and scared and I'm still new at this thing" I explained.

"Wait...Elliot wasn't scared when he saw you as a mermaid?"

"No. Actually he was very eager to help me out. He said that he would help any mermaid as if they were his family, or something."I said.

"He knows." Zane gasped. "Tomorrow after work we need to meet up with everyone. We have to figure out if Emma is save. But right now," he turn to the clock on the nightstand, "we have to sleep, since thanks to you we have 4ish hours of sleep left."

He collapsed down and pulled the blankets over his head "Get out" I heard muffled.

I got up and left the way I came. I fell in the bed, ecstatic that I actually remember something. Maybe now Zane can trust me a bit more, since I can now confirm that I am actually a mermaid from California, with Elliot as my witness.

Even though I was so happy and energized, I forced my self to sleep for another long day.


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