26. Series of events

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"A spell?" Zane questioned my theory as to how the girls became mermaids.

I shook my head, agreeing that it was nonsense, "We were watching 'The Craft' while you were gone." I explained.

He turned his head slightly and whispered under his breath "wow, your brain- just- whoosh" adding a little hand motion to signal my craziness.

"Ehm, continue." I cleared my throat.

"It wasn't a spell that turned them into mermaids... It's actually way dumber." He continued after a moment of silence. "I, in a way, caused it by pulling a prank on Cleo."

"What did you do?" I asked unnecessarily, since he was already getting to that part.

"I sort of... pushed her to the middle of the ocean on my broken Zodiac." He said embarrassed and quickly hoping that I wouldn't be able to understand.

"Zane, you big immature -".

"- Jerk. I know. But I was a kid back then, i was just mad that it was broken and took it out on her."

"And then what?" I asked.

"Rikki literally jumps in and saves her... by putting back the missing piece she stole."

"That does sound like her." I chuckled, "But doesn't that mean it was really because of Rikki's 'fault' for breaking it in the first place?"

"Mmm, now that I think about it, Rikki told me that after they picked up Emma and the Zodiac broke down for good, it was Emma's idea to paddle to Mako island. Which is where Cleo, being clumsy like always, fell in a hole and found the cave." He started his rant, finally realizing that it wasn't just his fault.

"See? You don't have to feel guilty. I guess you can say that you were just in the series of events which lead to their destiny." I smiled.

"I guess so. I was just so stressed  ever since Dr. Denman came back."

"I get it." I parted his leg and got up to throw away out cheese stick wrappers.

Halfway back Zane finally asked me the question I was hoping wouldn't come to be asked.

"So Reina, what was your series of events.

"Well, I can't remember much." I lied.

I made my way back to my seat nervously when he asked me what I did remembered.

"I just know that It was my younger cousin invited me to her friends graduation after party at the beach.
I was either invited or forced to go by my aunt Carla. I really couldn't remember. Christina quickly ditched me and I was  basically far from everyone the entire night."

"So you're a quiet loner who hates parties?" Zane asked me.

"Why are interrupting me with insults?"

He just shrugged.

"Anyways it was a little before midnight when a couple of drunk guys came over to 'talk'. I could read the situation so before it got to much to handle, I took off, looking for Christina.
But then I saw that they were following me so I started running. I was faster than them because they were drunk and running on sand.
I hid a cave that I found sort of far from the party. That's where I saw the sparkly water in the Moonlight."

"Oh, I didn't - That kind of explains a lot." Zane stuttered.

"What do you mean?"

"I just remembering you being all cautious when we found you." He continued.

"Yeah but who wouldn't be. Being taken to an isolated island by some strangers." I stated.

"Strangers who you thought were those drunks..." He trailed off after seeing me shift uncomfortably in my seat.

Zane looked at me for a few seconds before he turned away to speak again, "And also, did you really think I didn't notice your 'blanket-pillow' you made from your jacket in my office, that other night?"

"Whatever" I muttered under my breath.

We both chuckled and stared off into space.

"So, what are we going to do about the bigger problem?" He asked after a moment of pleasant silence.

"Huh? Oh right." I said after realizing that he hasn't been filled in yet.

"What have you figured out."

"Uhm," I wondered loudly, trying to to remember Lewis's notes. "We thought we would have Caleb find out about the meeting with all those important people, then have him speak for her by making her look really bad."

"So your plan is to embarrass her?" He asked in a concern tone.

"Well yeah," I responded shyly. When he puts it like that it makes you feel like a jerk. "We have to. So she can stop-".

"Researching is her life, though. This will ruin her whole career. She'll never be taken seriously again." Zane continued to defend.

"Jeez, Zane. Are you in love with her  or something? It's either us on a table being cut up or her without a job." I got up annoyed and ran to my room.

I slammed the door behind me and fell into bed. "How could he even worry about her like that. I mean she did shot him less than 12 hours ago." I wondered aloud.

I heard a knock before Zane came in to check on me. "Hey, listen. I'm sorry that I sound like I'm on her side, but we have to think about the consequences."

"Can we talk about this in the morning? I'm tired." I really don't want to talk to him, so I turned my back to him when I laid down.

I heard him walk towards my bed. "Reina. I know you're lying." I heard him whispered an inch away from my ear in a sing-songy voice to try to cheer me up.

I got chills down my back.

I turned around to tell him off, but perhaps it was quickly since  it wasn't enough time for him to back up.

Our faces were 3 inches away from each other. His looming over mine.

It was as if time had stop because all we can do is stare.

I felt my cheeks burning up, and I could see his turning pink.

Reina of the moon Where stories live. Discover now