Love will Remember | Authors last words

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Life wants to play with you
And you allow it...
A game you shouldn't play
but here you are enjoying it...

You lose and you lose all over again
But you didn't stop
And said you'll continue
Until you've had enough

Then you made it and you loved the prize
It made you happy for a long time
But you lost it
You cried everynight like a child
And now you woke up with swollen eyes

Life wants to play with you
And you asked for the same prize
You willingly played again and did better than the last time
You won and had it

You frown and complained because it's not the same
But the longer the prize stays with you
The more you're loving it
Then you realised that you dont need the old one anymore

Sometimes you don't have to be contented
Keep looking and working for more
Because you didn't know that there's more to come.

Be selfish and eager for your own happiness, in a good way.
Don't let lies and memories betray you.
Keep playing more games until you get the best prize you deserved.

Taehyung is Selena's prize, and she made the right choice......

Love will Remember | KTH FANFIC (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now