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A/n: here's another update :)

"Taehyung right?"

We are on our way home rightnow, the dinner was peaceful and so as the ride on the way home. Instead of grabbing a taxi we took a bus instead and waited at the subway.

"Hmm" he humed in response. He was looking outside the window as if he was in a deep thought. I look at the direction where he is looking only to find out that he was looking at the stars. "Taehyung? Are you okay?" I ask him out of nowhere, he turned to look at me and he gave me a faint smile. This is the first time that I saw his face up close and got the chance to check his facial features. His nose are pointed with a mark on the tip of it, it makes him more appealing and his eyes were round but not that big but his eyebrows standout the most, it's like a woman's brows I'm jelous. His jawlines were sharp and his skin is as soft as a baby.

"By the way where were you earlier before you saw me?" Stupid question Selena you sounded creepy .

"I went to see my girlfriend, and she broke up with me"

His words made me stop for a second.

"I'm sorry about that"

He smiled again and look away.
How can he smile when he is hurting inside?
When Justin broke up with me I can't even let out a simple smile. He's so brave.

"Hey don't pity me, I'm okay, really" he probably notice the change of my mood and my expression. He chuckled and face me, "Why does it look like you were the one who got dumped?" He joked but that joke hit me.

"I am, just like yours, my boyfriend dumped me" and now his smile faded.

"I guess we are not that lucky in terms of love" why does that words feels so familiar as if I heard or said it before? But I just shrugged it off.

"I guess your right" i agreed.

We finally reach our apartment, Taehyung gave me the name of this building so I won't be lost next time. And since our rooms are next to each others we walked together. Once we are in front of our doors we bid goodbye and goodnight to each other.

"Thanks for saving the night Taehyung" I smiled at him and he smiled back. "No worries, see you" and he waved goodbye and we both enter our rooms.

I shook my head in dissappointment, remembering the thought that I almost got lost in this big city. I guess this is the start of my 100 days of dreaming to forget about Justin (a/n: it's the only thing she remembered)

I sat in my couch and turn on the tv.

"This is amazing. My house is clearly the same as my real house" I laughed at myself shooking my head again in disbelief. My thought were interupted when my phone beep indicating I have a message.

I read the message, it was from "bestie?" I didn't know I have a friend called bestie. I laughed again, still not used to this imaginations and dreams thingy. I read it out loud "How's Korea?" So she knows I am in korea? I shrugged my shoulder and just ignored her message who ever that was.


Korean drama

Korean variety show

Korean entertainment show

Korean cooking show

Is there any international channels in here? I seriously don't understand what they are saying and just turned it off out of frustration.

Few moments later I heard a knock on my door. I got up to check who it was and theres Taehyung standing with two bottles of drinks in his both hands. "My friend is not here tonight and I have no one to share this drink with, would you mind?" He asked shyly afraid that I will say no.

"I guess I need a drink either so come in" I said and he sighed in relief. I open the door wide for him to enter and he politely made his way inside. He remove his slippers and put it on the side, "No you can bring your slippers my floor is dusty" he smiled at me and said, "It's like a korean habit so get used to it" he said then sat on the couch and put the bottles in the table. I followed him and sat beside him.

Urmmmm. So what now? This is awkward. Having a drink with someone you just met. But shoo the thought away, he's just a product of my imagination.

"So are you living by yourself?" He finally break the silence while he opened the bottle and pour me some in a shot glass. "Yeah. I am, what about you?" He mentioned a friend  and roommate this morning and earlier so I guess he's not but I'm still gonna ask since I have nothing to ask. Really.

"I am but my friends sometimes do sleep over at my place" I nodded. I started to drink the drink he poured for me "kkkkrrrrgggg. It's too strong!" I complained and he laugh a little, probably because of how my face reacts at the taste of this drink. He can't blame me because I am really not a fan of alcohol.

We talked about simple things about ourselves like how old is he, how long have I been here and just this and that. Both our faces are red now, I can feel that we're both drunk already based on how sleepy our eyes are. We even laugh at simple matters and we even treat each others like we've known each other for a long time when in reality we only met for like 13 hours.

"Let's date"

I widen my eyes at his words but laugh at the same time. I hit his shoulder and told how funny he is but he isn't laughing at all,

"I'm serious, let's date"

A/n: Really Taehyung? Really?! (LoL)

Will Selena accept this drunk request of Tae? Find out next chapter :)

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