Love will Remember draft | Original Ending

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I AM SCROLLING THROUGH MY NOTES IN MY PHOE AND This was supposed to be the ending of this story, as you noticed Taehyung here is a waiter. Actually, wattpad deleted my original chapters of this story that's why I am forced to make new ones.... anyway I just wanted this to share with you because I don't want this to end up in trash. If I only knew and remember that I already made an ending for this before, I should've made this as my guide for writing the early chapters. SAD.

Selena got up from her bed, "It's just a dream I should continue with my life-" she tried to convince herself but when the pictures of her dreams popped up in her mind she started crying again. Those moments they had in her dream is no joke, it's something that will affect her life for a lifetime.

"How can this dream gives me so much pain" she said holding her chest, as if her heart will broke in any minute. "It's not like he is real" but deep inside she wished that he is and again she convinced herself......but failed, "But I love him, I really do...... please tell me he is real...... I want to be with him whatever it takes" thats when she broke down in tears.

Please tell me you exist in my world.

She started to get ready for school. When she is done she started the engine of her car but before that she thought of grabbing some coffee first.

"It makes me think of him whenever I have that coffee from that shop-" she thinks but suddenly stop, remembering her bad days where one of the waiter there keeps on spilling her drink in her table. "He's lucky I haven't seen his face yet because I never had the chance to or else I'll smack him real hard" she thought but still drive her way to that coffee shop.

He used to make the bestest coffee ever, and now I remember why that coffee taste so familiar.

Selena thought as long as she enters the café. The aroma of the coffee satisfied her nosetrils.

I wish you were here with me.

Coffee makes her think of him. This gives me so much memories, it hurts so bad

She can't take it anymore, she stood up ready to leave but when she's about to.... a waiter bumped into her spilling the coffee in his tray to her clothes. She cursed mentally Stupid waiter!

"What the fu-" she said not yet looking at the waiter because she's busy wiping herself with her hands. She was waiting for the waiter to apologize but he didn't instead he just stood there waiting for her to look at him.

"Selena" that voice I know that voice

She slowly lifted her head to see where the voice came from... it was him how-

As soon as their eyes met, she cant control herself and a tears escape in her eyes.

Taehyung stood frozen......

"D-do you know me?" Deep inside Taehyung is hoping that she knows him by heart

Selena stare at him and she nodded...... "You won't believe this but yes..... I know you.... very well" a tear escape from her eyes. Soon, Taehyung's hope is slowly making sense.

"V! WHAT THE HELL! YOU SPILLED A COFFEE AGAIN" His boss rush towards Selena and keep apologizing to her.

"V?" Selena said. He is the waiter who spilled the drink in her table right before he began to dream. It was him!

But the last time I think about that night was Justin so how did he end up being dragged in my dream?

I opened my door and went to my bedroom to get change, I didn't even bother to shower because I suddenly feel so sleepy and I don't even know why. It's only 8 in the evening but my bed is already calling for me.

"You are the love of my life"

You are the love of my life my butt. Fuck you Justin.

Even before going to sleep I ended up thinking about him, he now likes coffee huh congrats to him I hope that waiter ealier will spill the very hot coffee when they go back there.

After that I dozed off ready to travel in dream land.

He is the coffee guy whom she think before waking up in her dream, it is slowly making sense.

"I dreamt about y-"

"I dreamt about y-"

The both said in unison.

And this is where both of them hugged each other. Both thinking how is it possible to have the same dream with a different person.

"Taehyung........" Selena softly said, she can't believe that this is happening. "I can't believe that you're real" she cupped his face, tracing every part of it, memorizing every little detail.

Taehyung looked straightly in her eyes and he gave her the sweetest smile. "I know you're real but I didn't have the chance to introduce myself because I thought it would be weird" he said and chuckled.

He knows me?

"The first time I ever laid my eyes on you, that night I started dreaming of you and I don't know why. It's creeping me out because that dream feels so real" Taehyung explained. They didn't bother to broke eye contact, both wanting to cherish the moment. "By the way why'd you suddenly hugged me thinking that I was only from your dream? Doesn't that give you a weird feeling?" He is somehow confused.

"Because I remember all the feelings you gave me, even if I didn't know your face or what you look like in my dream....Love will remember Taehyung. I know its stupid to just hug a stranger but to me you are not, you are something that I already kept in my heart eversince and I am thankful that I already found you, everyday and everynight I am praying that you exist in my world ... because 100 days is not enough for me, because I wanted to spend a lot of time with you and here you are I know you have a lot of questions in your mind but what matters the most is we can now continue what we have started ..." she manage to say even if she is really close to crying because of happiness.

"And rightnow, we are no longer dreaming. We are back in the reality and rightnow, what happened in our dreams will still continue until eternity" both of them stare for like 3 seconds and after that..... "I love you my western chic" they kissed.

Western chic. He is really him. He is really Taehyung.

He is literally the man of my dreams,

It's still funny how they end up having the same dream because of one stupid unexpected wish. Because of Selena's heartbreak, she met her one true love. They may be separated by continents, but still.... destiny proves us all wrong because if two people are made for each other, love will find a way.

Who would've thought that because of Taehyung's clumsiness, it will lead him to Selena? Fate and destiny brought them together. You just have to believe and wait for the person that God has reserved for you.

100 days of consequences and wishes are done.
One has been dragged and one has been granted an unexpected wish.

"Both Selena and Taehyung deserved a happy ending" the fairy God mother said.

A/n: to those who are confused. Selena accidentally wished to that old lady and that old lady happened to be a fairy godmother. She said that Selena should dream about a guy, and that guy she dreamed was Taehyung, he is the last person in her mind that night and that is why Taehyung was dragged in her dream. And that is how their story began!

Love will Remember | KTH FANFIC (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now