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Everything was perfect from the night we decided to date seriously up to now. 24 day and I still have 76 days left. I was alone for the whole day because Taehyung went to work and will be going home late. As I finished cleaning my house and cook for myself I decided to visit Taehyung's apartment since I know his passcode.

I walk inside leaving my slippers behind just like what Taehyung taught me. I look around to see what I can do for the day and I think of just cleaning but he house is pretty clean already.

"Hmm what to do?"

Taehyung's room! I will clean his room.

I opened the door of his bedroom and his scent welcome me. His room smells so much like him and it's sooooo good. Several books were scattered around his working table. A pile of clothes were all over the floor and bed and bandanas were all over his room. I started picking the clothes on the floor and put in on a basket that I am carrying but there's a thing that caught my attention.

"A brief?" I said trying to hold my laugh. I put the basket down for a moment and hold his underware with both of my hands.

"Should I smell it?" But I shook my head for my perverted idea. "It's pretty..... big" I said and throw it on the basket before I ever get to imagine things I shouldn't. I remember him telling me that his ex-girlfriend Yoona told him that he sucks in bed. So does that mean that something happened between them? Well ofcourse! The girl is a slut and it's impossible not to do that thing in 2 years. It's not like I haven't done it with Justin before, I mean we dated for 8 years and we grow together and discover things together including that thing.

I finished fixing the bed, floor, window except for his table. I made my way to it and started fixing his book and wiping the dust until a picture frame caught my attention.

A photo of him with Yoona : this picture doesn't show any love at all. Even the girl's smile is so fake and so does Taehyung. I put the frame inside his drawer, "He should've put this on the trash can"

Another photo of highschool Taehyung with his parents and grandparents: he is wearing his school uniform and both his mom and dad wearing a casual clothes both look like a decent parent while his grandparent sat in the chair in the front. I didn't know that his mother is a foreigner(a/n: let's just pretend) that's why he's really fluent in english. "She's so pretty, her mom looks like his grandmother" but why do I feel like I've seen her somewhere?

After the cleaning session, I plopped myself in Taehyung's bed. I can imagine myself looking like a maid rightnow. Sweats are all over me and my hair is tied up in a messy bun plus an oversized shirt I found in Taehyung closet before I started cleaning and I can smell the unpleasant smell of myself rightnow.

It's already 4 pm when I heard a knock on the door outside. It's probably Jungkook so I got up not bothering to fix myself. When I opened it I saw a pretty and petite woman infront of me, she's not that tall but she has pretty long legs. She look at me from head to toe first, and it made me feel consious. I probably look and smell like a trash rightnow.

She speak in korean first but when she noticed that I didn't understand a thing, she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "I said where's your boss? Is he not here? And why are you wearing his shirt? Does he know that her maid is wearing his clothes?"


Did she just call me Taehyung's maid?!

"Ya aren't you the maid?" She entered in the house uninvitedly and sat on the couch crossing her legs as if she was used to this house. "I am not his maid, I'm his girlfriend" I honestly told her but she just scoffed and laugh afterwards.

"Are you expecting me to believe that?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Yoona his first love" she said that with such confidence. I wasn't intimidated at all eventhough I know that I look like a poop compared to her.

So she's Yoona? I hate her, I hate her guts.

"You mean his ex-girlfriend?" I said emphasizing the word ex and it made her glared at me. "Look, he's not here as you can see so you can go now" I told her but she didn't move and put her feet comfortably in the center table.

"I can wait, I don't care if you're his girlfriend or wife or whatsoever. I came here because I want him back so back off and made me a cup of teá" she said making the last words in british accent, she's so full of herself and it's pissing me off. Didn't she know that I am way better speaking in british accent?

Shit this girl is getting in my nerves real bad. How dare she come back with such confidence after breaking up with him and now she want him back?

"Excuse me and your poor manners but I'm afraid he doesn't want you back... Yoona" she raised her eyebrows at me and I did the same.

"Are you sure about that? Didn't you know that he's head over heels to me? One clap of my hands and he'll be there like a dog waiting for my command"


"You are the worst. How dare you talk like that about Taehyung?!" She laugh again making me even more pissed. She stand up and face me thank god I'm taller than her.

"Wake up baby girl he's not yours and will never be yours...... you know that" this girl is really something. Something about her words make my heart sunk, ofcourse I know but it doesn't matter aslong as I'm still here

"He isn't an object to call him their own, yes he's not mine physically but his heart belongs to me now.... so you back off"

She was about to slap me when the door clicks open revealing Taehyung with a wide eyes. Yoona suddenly touch her cheek as if she was hurt. I look at Taehyung and then back to Yoona. SHE IS FAKING IT she wants to show Taehyung that I'm the one who slap her.

"What the hell is happening here?" Taehyung hurriedly walk towards.......... her

"What did you do?!" Taehyung raised his voice to me, and now Yoona was crying.... such an actress!

I didn't say a thing because I didn't know how will I react to this. "Why did you slap her?" He asked again making me flinch. And I can see Yoona's smirk in her face when she burried her head in Taehyung's chest.

What hurts the most is.

"I didn't slap her Tae" I said

"Go home Selena"

He didn't believe me.

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