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"Let's date"

His voice was a bit husky.

A smirk flastered on his face, an intimidating one.

"You're going to make me your rebound?" I asked and he chuckled.

"And you can make me your rebound too, isn't that a good revenge for our exes?" I know he is drunk but the way he said those words sounded like he is all sobber. I furrowed my brows in him, not interested in his stupid idea.

"You know what you're drunk go home and you'll forget about this tomorrow and besides it's getting late" I explained but he just pouted. He lazily stood up and made his way on the front door, "I'm sobber Selena, I'm serious" he said again but I shoo him away.

"Good night Taehyung~~~~" and I close the door leaving him outside in shock.

Gosh! He isn't what I thought he would be. After fixing the mess we did on the living room, I quickly took a shower before going to bed. He said he wants to date me to get revenge for being dumped by his girl; I know it's stupid but for me.. the best revenge you can do is to make yourself happy and let him or her feel that you don't need them in your life.

Move on, that's the best thing he can do. But who am I to tell him this words where I, myself, can't take that advice. Remember? I even made a deal with this magical old lady just to make myself feel at ease or atleast lessen the pain in my heart without knowing what would be the consequences after.


Days have passed and here I am watching the night sky at the rooftop with a guess what? A bottle of soju, can you believe that? Well niether am I. It's been 3 days being away from the reality and I admit I kinda miss my life and everyone around me. I miss L.A specifically but not that I hate korea.

"Didn't know you'd be here at this hour" a male voice said behind me. I look up to see who it was only to see Taehyung with a friend. "Jimin this is Selena, the one I'm talking about" Taehyung said and that made me stand up to extend my arms for a handshake to that Jimin guy.

"Hey nice to meet you Jimin"

"Taehyung was right, you're pretty" then Taehyung elbowed him which caused him to 'aw' and I just chuckled wiggling my eyebrows at Taehyung. He just gave me an apologetic smile.

The three of us stay here for a while talking about Korea, korean's culture, korean's pop music and western music. This is one thing that I've noticed with the both of them that I actually admire a lot. They like music;

"Do you play guitar?" I suddenly asked Taehyung out of curiousity because usually the people who loves music are the one's who plays musical instruments but he shook his head rightaway. "But I play the saxophone, and we have this friend called Jin, yeah, he's pretty cool with guitars" he said.

Jimin on the other hand asking Taehyung to translate what he's saying in to english which I found really cute. He doesn't speak english that much but he can do the basics. "Oh right, Jimin said we should invite you some time in our friends apartment. He can show you what kpop music really is" 

"Ohhhhh! That's cool." I said.

While we were on the middle of our conversation, Jimin suddenly stand up. "I think I should go now, I remember Jungkook wants to play video games with me" then he bid goodbye to the both us.

Jimin, he's a cute guy; has sense of humor and a very pure person. Honestly both Taehyung and him had some similarities in their personalities. After Jimin left I turned towards Taehyung who's already looking at me, "Who's Jungkook?" I asked out of curiousity. "He's one of our friends actually there are seven of us including me. We called ourselves best friends, eww" he said with a disgusted face at the mention of the word bestfriends. I laugh at him and that made him pout.

"So.... about last night. I'm sorry, I was drunk and

out of mind. I'm really not a good drinker and I get drunk easily. If I have said or do something stupid please do not take it seriously, it's embarrasing"

My heart sunk a bit at his words.

'I told you Selena, he was just drunk. He would never ever want to date a person he just met'

"Except for the last part" he continue and that made my jaw drop. Did he remember perhaps that?

'Does he still want to date me?'

"I think I am sobber enough to remember me asking you to date me and............... I am not going to ask it again because I know its stu-"

'Shut the fuck up, this is a fake world so fuck that'

"No. Actually I wanna date you. I mean it's not that I like you but I think youre cute and we are both heart broken so why don't we just be together and be stupid together?"

He widened his big brown eyes not expecting to hear those words from me. But he suddenly gave me this teasing look on his face, a sexy one, a look that will actually give me butterflies in my stomach and will make cheeks and ears burning from embarassment.

"I like that idea"

He said and we both laugh like a hopeless people seeking for love but let me clear this, we shall never fall inlove because at the end of the day he would be the one hurting if he finds out that I doesn't exist in his world and he doesn't exist in reality.

I should keep that in my mind.

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