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Kelsey's POV
Matt and i finally went shopping for prom together and typically, prom dates wouldn't know what the other is exactly wearing but i wanted it to be a perfect night. we didn't see each other dressed in our prom attire though so i'm extremely eager to see matt tomorrow night.

i had a busy day shopping for all of my prom stuff with matt, so when i got home i was extremely exhausted. i placed my bags on my chair and let my body fall onto my bed, sinking into the mattress as i heard a buzz coming from my phone. immediately, i assumed it was matt so i grabbed it quicker than i ever have although i was suddenly let down.

it was a text from an unknown number.



unknown: hello :) excited for prom ?

kelsey: who's this ? i think you
have the wrong number

unknown: don't be silly, isn't
this kelsey ?

kelsey: how did you get my number

unknown: i'm a good friend of matt
so he gave it to me a while ago when
he was looking for you at the carnival

kelsey: oh wow, i'm surprised he
didn't tell me about that. well yeah
i'm super duper excited to be with
matt at prom, i cant wait

unknown: i want you to have a good
time kelsey. a really good time

kelsey: me too

unknown: but matt hasn't told you
something yet and i feel like you should know

kelsey: what's that ?

unknown: well while we were at Joba's
house, he was talking about you and he
said that he's planning on breaking up
with you at prom in front of everyone

kelsey: you're joking. matt and i spent
all day together and we were happy. he
wouldn't just suddenly do that, especially
on the night of prom

unknown: but was he really happy ?
or was he just pretending to be ?

kelsey: look you know nothing about matt and i's relationship. you could be some random person
from our school trying to screw things up for us
like we haven't gone through enough already.
seen 10:58pm

unknown: whatever floats your boat.
i just want you to be okay kelsey.


immediately, i tried to call matt but he wouldn't answer. i didn't want to believe what some random person was telling me, but i was paranoid with everything that had happened in the past.

with all the addilyn and chris stuff, my minds been all over the place.

i'll take matt's word over anyone else's but if that night turns out to be what this person has said it'd be, i don't know what i'll do.

star | matt championWhere stories live. Discover now