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Kelsey's POV:
i thought about the party ian invited me to all week. i wanted to go, mainly because i've never been invited anywhere from someone other than jack. the only thing is, i'd only go if jack did, and i wasn't sure if he'd say yes.

"the party is tonight. please come jack! it'll be fun, for the both of us" i begged him as he sat on the beanbag in my room.

"i don't know kelsey" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"how about we make a deal? if it's bad, i'll give you $100. if it's good, you'll give me $100" i smirked. jack's eyes lit up. he's a sucker for bets.

"i love bets kels but i just don't feel like going" he said, looking down at his phone.

"okay i understand" i said.

"argh no, i don't want you not going because of me. let's go"

"yay, thank you so much! let's get ready!" i exclaimed.


jack and i arrived at the party. him in causal clothes, me in a black mini dress. i knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. you could hear the music and chatter of the people inside from a mile away. after standing on the porch for what felt like eternity, the door finally swung open. it was Dom. "hey kelsey! and..." he paused.

"this is my best friend jack" i said, helping him fill the gap in his sentence.

"cool, hey jack! come on in guys" he said, opening the door all the way, letting us in.

"i'm going to go find the bathroom" i told jack. he nodded and walked towards the kitchen where the food was.

i headed upstairs, urgently needing to use the restroom. i should've went before i left my house, but i didn't think about it, and i certainly didn't need to go back then. i peeked through each door until i found the right one. "finally" i whispered to myself as i entered and locked the door.

after going, i headed downstairs to see matt and merlyn talking at the bottom of the staircase. "hey kelsey" merlyn smiled, handing me alcohol.

"oh uh" i paused. "i don't drink"

"my bad, i'll take that back" merlyn said as he took it out of my hands and walked off, leaving matt and i alone.

"hi matt" i said, starting a conversation. it was silent between us for a while.

"hi" he finally let out.

i was quite surprised he didn't tell me to go away, he actually said hi back.

"why are you here?" he asked. "ian invited me" i answered.

he slowly nodded his head and took a sip of his drink. he looked a bit light headed, as if he was about to faint. his balance was unsteady and his eyes were half open.

before i knew it, he fell on the floor. i tried to catch him on the way but i was too late.

"matt!" i yelled, shaking him up and down, hoping he'd wake up. i looked around me and no one seemed to notice what had happened. i messaged jack telling him i had to leave the party and dragged matt outside with all of my strength. i somehow managed to carry him to my car, putting him on the passengers seat. i drove back to my house, where he soon laid on my bed.

i checked my phone to see several text messages from jack and thankfully he was okay with me leaving. he was having a good time at the party and that made me happy for him.

i still didn't know what to do with matt. i walked to the kitchen and grabbed a towel with warm water all over since matt felt like ice. once i walked back into my room, matt started looking around. i could tell he still didn't feel so good, but at least he was awake. "where am i?" he asked.

"you're in my room. you fainted at ian's party. i think you had too much to drink" i said, handing him the warm towel.

"and you took me here? on your own?" he asked. i nodded my head. "why?" he looked confused.

"i couldn't have just left you there. i know you're not a big fan of me, or anyone in fact, but it doesn't mean i'm just going to let you lay there unconscious" i said, sitting down on my chair across from him.

"thank you" matt said. even though he was drunk and i helped him, it was obvious he still didn't want to thank me. it's like it's hard for him to be nice to someone other than his close friends.

"anytime" i smiled.

matt then curled up in a ball on my bed and immediately fell asleep. i stood up and placed my blanket over him as he was on top of the sheets. i then grabbed another blanket for myself, and laid down on my beanbag.

"guess i'm sleeping here tonight" i whispered to myself, and soon dozed off.

star | matt championWhere stories live. Discover now