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Kelsey's POV:
the day of my birthday party came by really quick. it felt like yesterday when matt got into that fight for me. i wasn't really looking forward to the day considering it wasn't much of a party now that no one besides jack is coming.

"happy birthday kels!" i heard as i opened the door for jack. i gave him and hug and thanked him. "tonight will be a special night for a special girl" he smiled and handed me a gift bag. inside was a jacket that i've been wanting for years but never saved up enough for it.

"oh my god jack you didn't need to but thank you so much! i love it, i love you!" i said, hugging him tightly. "okay okay, that's enough. i'm about to pass out before i can even sing you a happy birthday" he laughed.

i grabbed a big warm blanket and we headed to my room where we started watching horror movies. my parents were both out of town for five days due to work and today was the first.

"if she opens the door i swear to god" jack said as he had his hands covering his eyes. "you have to watch!" i squirmed, pulling his hands down so he could look at the screen.

"ahhh!" jack shouted as we heard knocks on the door downstairs. "who's that?" he asked, holding onto my arm.

"i don't know" i said, having him let go of his grip so i could slowly go downstairs to see who it was.

we tiptoed down and i looked through the peephole to see matt along with his friends. "it's matt and them" i whispered to jack. i opened the door. "surprise!" they all said in sync.

i smiled and welcomed them all in, hugging each one as they wished me a happy birthday. matt was the last one, but i didn't give him a hug like the rest. instead, i pulled him to away from everyone. "so you decided to come" i said with both hands on my waist.

"my friends found the invitations and forced me to come" matt said rolling his eyes.

i walked off and headed upstairs to my room where everyone was. matt followed behind. "horror movies, lame" he said under his breath. "shut up" i said crossing my arms. i sat down next to jack where i curled in up in a ball under the blanket.

"kelsey, we have a present for you" joba smiled as he handed me a gift. inside the gift bag were several gift cards, five to be exact. "aw you guys didn't need to" i smiled, opening the birthday card that was also inside. "we couldn't come without bringing you something" ciarán said.

i opened the birthday card and it read "from merlyn, ian, joba, dom, ciarán and romil".

"oh so matt wasn't in this?" i asked. "not that it's a bad thing" i continued.

"i got you this" matt said, handing me a small box. "wow, the matt champion bought me a gift on his own when he was forced to come by his friends" i said.

"forced ? he told u-" romil said as matt cut him off. "Kelsey! uh, just open it" he blurted.

i opened the box and inside was a necklace. it was gold with a star attached to it, one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen. "matt, i love it. thank you so much" i said, standing up to give him a hug.

"you're welcome" he said, hugging me back. he smiled at me and i smiled back before the moment was ruined by romil "awww, kiss!" he said. matt pushed me off. "well that's enough touching for today, never again" he said, taking a seat in between dom and ciarán.

"i think matt might like you" jack whispered in my ear. "i doubt it, i think he's just trying to be nice" i whispered back.

"but if he was forced to come here, why would his friends look so confused when you mentioned it?" he said. "maybe i wasn't supposed to know" i replied.

"do you think you like him? or ever would?" jack asked.

i thought about it. would i ever like matt champion ? could i see myself having feelings for him ?

before i could answer jack's question, ian spoke. "i'll put the necklace on you" he said, opening the box.  i lifted my hair up for him to place it on.

"it's really beautiful matt" i smiled. he gave me a smile that seemed very forced, followed by two thumbs up.

why is this guy so hard to read ?


Matt's POV:
kelsey's party ended and everyone headed home, leaving me behind with her since i lived across the street. "i'm glad you like the necklace" i said, breaking the silence.

she smiled, "i love it so much".

"matt" she said, gently grabbing onto my arm. i looked her in the eyes, my heart began to race. she's so beautiful.

"do you hate me?" she asked, her eyes wandering around. the fact that she asked me that question upset me. did it really seem that way? i know it's hard for me to let people in, but i bought her a necklace, if i hated her i wouldn't have done that.

"no, why would you think that?" i asked, rubbing the back of my neck. "it's just a vibe i get, i don't know, sorry for asking" she said.


"hey kelsey. there's something i need to tell you. i've been thinking about this lately. i think... i have feelings for you" i said.

"i understand if you don't like me, i wouldn't be surprised. i've been a complete jerk to you. i just don't know how to show what i'm feeling. i'm just scared of what might happen, my past isn't the best, especially my last relationship" i continued.

i looked up into my mirror. "what am i doing ? practicing what i would say to her ? she's right, i am pathetic" i said, falling backwards onto my bed.

i don't think i'd ever have the guts to tell her how i feel, or anyone in fact. confessing how you felt meant that it's true, and i'm not sure if i'm prepared for that.


a/n: i have been updating almost
everyday this whole week so my
next update will probably be in
a week or a few days. okay bye !!

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