Unwanted Reunion

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Ward kept Glancing around, looking his eyes studying James and the forest around him. He tried struggling against the cuffs on his wrists but it was like fighting an endless battle he would never win.

James head hurt.

He leaned against a mossy tree, His hands clenching and opening. A splitting pain was running though his brain, causing his body to shake slightly. It burned like a hot coal was being rattled inside his skull. His teeth ground together as he removed the lenses from his eyes and clipped them to his belt, taking notice of how Ward was now watching him curiously. James didn't care, he'd be dead soon anyway. He brought his human hand up and massaged his temple, so hard the skin turned red.

"I had him on the ropes"

"Yeah, sure you did"

"End of the line"





A low groan escaped James lips as the two memories flashed before his eyes in a matter of seconds. His head began to throb a dull pain, but the burning seemed over for the most part. James shut his lids over his irritated eyes, and instead turned his attention to the forest sounds, anything that distracted him from the dull throbs.



Birds wings beat the air in a rhythmic beat, the boys whistling to each other's mates. Their shadows cast errie dark spots that dragged across the moss snd leaves.




James eyes snapped open,  His flesh hand pulling the automatic pistol from his back. Someone was close, someone was following him, and they had made a crucial mistake.




Natasha's hair whipped around like a halo as she shot a glare at Sam. Sam mouthed back an apology as he gently removed his wing from the tangled branch.

He had heard it.

He knew they were there.

Natasha's hands slipped down her thighs as she drew her guns, before she silently crept forward, like a spider.

She watched in horror as James eyes snapped open, The blue orbs staying on the ground, his head tilted slightly in her direction.

'Don't move' Natasha mouthed to Steve and Sam.

The bullets wizzed by the heads in a speed like lighting, each ball of death burying itself in the trees next to there heads. A warnings shot, Natasha realized, She knew he would not miss being this close. Natsha stood from her crouched position, her green orbs finding him.

He stood posed with his pistol aimed at her throat. (A gun that should not have reached this far, about twenty yards) His eyes were black, as they always were when he was angry. Natasha slowly made her way through the bushes, Steve and Sam behind her. Her own guns were aimed at his heart, but she knew to well that her bullets wouldn't pierce his skin, not with his uniform.

Behind him stood ward, who had his hands bound behind his back with a chain that wrapped around the trunk of a willow tree.

Finally, they were ten feet away, and James was regarding them with a cold look in his dead eyes. Steve was gazing back with broken features, watching his old friend sadly.

"Where's Anna" Were the first words he spoke, directed at Natasha as she was the only one who could understand the Russian tongue.

"She's safe, I promise Winter" Natasha told him gently, her voice quivering just a bit. She was still afraid of him, and she knew he knew when she saw his lips curve into a smirk behind his mask.

"You promised Natalie" He hissed, stepping closer to her. "You lied"

Natasha's arms were shaking now, and Steve took notice.

"That's enough Bucky" He stepped in front of Natasha, shielding her from James hard gaze.

"You" James growled, regarding Steve with anger. "You pulled her away!"

"No! I mean, It was to find you Bucky" Steve sputtered, something that didn't happen to often. Steves's gaze hardened and he squared his shoulders, the sheild in his hand becoming lighter. "You can't be doing this again Buck" His eyes skipped over to Grant, who was watching the scene with wide eyes. "Not out of free will?"

"Free will" James muttered something in a foreign language besides Russian under his breath, his eyes skipping back over to Steve. "I haven't been wiped since our encounter on the highway"

"So why are you doing this then?" Steve asked desperately, His baby blue eyes full of water. "I read your file Buck, I know what they did to you! How they treat you! Why did you go back to hell?"

"Because," James stance shifted, and he tilted his head slightly as the gun in his hand changed it's target to Ward, who began to thrash and yell. "Hell is where the sinners belong"

His finger pulled the trigger..........





Don't know if I'm happy with this, oh well.







Love ya'll


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