Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

Dedicated to HilaryDenise813 for being the first one to get all the questions right(: Most people got them all right except for when the cast of Friends sang the song to Marcel. The one I was thinking of was at the movie set when they were trying to get his attention. Kind of an unfair question but, oh well xD

                “Put. It. On!” I order, giving the curly boy a dirty look. He shakes his head and instead, I just throw the hat on him in protest. I bust out laughing, leaning over and starting to cry. Payton looks at me weird and I laugh even harder. She’s going to have to get used to this.

                “Why is Harry wearing a pink hat?” Zayn scoffs, coming into the store. The boys were being stupid about their disguises today. All five boys had on hoodies and beanies. That’s the extent of their disguises. The girls and I didn’t even really care, we weren’t seen in public. Just in case, I was wearing a beanie and so was Danielle.

                I have to admit something. Danielle and Liam are the cutest couple in the world. That’s fucking crazy coming out of my mouth, isn’t it? But, it’s so true. Like, you have to be blind if you don’t think they’re a perfect couple. And this makes me so uncomfortable to talk about.

                “Come on. Let’s go get pretzels!” Payton shouts, walking off. Harry follows, flinging the hat onto a mannequin. Payton’s loud and outgoing, something that fits with the boys. She got along with the other girls and she was, well, normal. Something I never seen Harry ending up with.

                An arm wraps around my waist, making me jump. When it moves into my back pocket, I jump again. Turning around, Louis smirks at me. “Hey babe.”

                “Oh, Lou.” I groan, leaning against him. He scared the living daylights out of me! He puts his hand back into my back pocket and starts to kiss my neck, starting from my ear and lowering down to my shoulder.

                “People are staring, Louis.” I inform the boy who is going back up my neck. I have a bad feeling about this.

                “Let them.” He snorts. We make our way over to the little area that the pretzels are at. We put a couple tables together and sit there. Payton, Callie, Lilianna and Niall get pretzels while the rest of us just talk. I’m not hungry enough to get a pretzel, even though I love the pretzels their getting. Niall ends up bringing me back frozen strawberry lemonade though and I thank him. It’s my favorite drink at the place.

                “What do you get when you guzzle down sweets? Eating as much as an elephant eats! Getting terribly fat. What do you think will come of that? I don’t like the look of it.” I randomly shout, bringing all of the attention to me.

                “Nice love bite.” Zayn snorts. I raise an eyebrow at him and Louis starts texting somebody. Soon after, Harry’s phone goes off.

                “Huh?” Louis looks at me, totally shocked.

                “What?” I raise an eyebrow at the five boys who are just staring at me. The four girls are just looking at me with wide eyes.

                “Love, you have a hickey.” Callie says matter-o-factly. I grab my phone and switch the camera over, looking at my neck to find it. And sure enough, it’s there.

                “DID YOU CHEAT ON ME?” Louis screams loudly, jumping out of his chair and making it topple over. This causes a huge bang and everyone walking around us gives us dirty looks.

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