Chapter 15

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*Skylar’s POV*

I went to school tomorrow. That was a mistake. I had nowhere to sit. So I went outside and found a bench. When I sat down I saw Bethany walking over to me. When she finally reached me I could see the tears in her eyes. Oh my god she must have been crying because of hunter. Damn it I didn’t want this to happen. No matter how big of a b***h she was I still hated hurting people, especially ruining a relationship! Then she finally spoke, which broke the silence.

“Im really sorry Sky for all the pain I put you through, I-I kept telling you to stay away from him which obviously hurt you, and you listened but the person I should have talked to was Hunter. He was the one that needed to stay away from you” she started crying even more.

“Look Bethany I really never wanted to break you guys up, I could see how important your relationship was. Even though you could be a b***h I still would have never stolen your boyfriend” I got up and hugged her. She cried into my shoulder.

“Sky why are you being so nice, I’ve been nothing but rude to you?”

“Just cause people have hurt be doesn’t mean I’m gonna hurt them back”

We broke up the hug and she had stopped crying.

“Look Skylar, I know you two have feelings for eachother but you have to hold off going out with him.”

“why?” I asked

“Because he has a reputation and without that reputation and without it Hunter is just another pretty face.”

God what’s with this reputation thing? Obviously everyone is seeing something I’m not because I don’t see what the big deal is!?

“I don’t have feelings for hunter and if he had feelings for me he wouldn’t have let me sit on this bench alone” I spoke to soon because then I heard hunter call out from behind me.

“Hey princess mind if I join you” I knew it was him because of that stupid princess thing that he calls me. He walked up to us and said

“Oh am I interrupting something?” he obviously didn’t see Bethany when he was walking up to me.

“Oh no I’m just leaving” Bethany said then whispered to me “Just think about him okay” I nodded and she walked away.

“What was that about?” hunter said sitting on the bench. I sat down next to him which gave me De Ja Vu (I don’t know how to spell it).

“Ah nothing she actually came to apologize” I replied

“Hmm” that’s all he said. We sat in silence and bethany’s words kept replaying in my head ‘don’t get to close’ or ‘do it for hunter’. While I was thinking about that I asked

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